Friday, August 9, 2024

Answering Alleged Bible Contradictions and Exposing Bible Corruptions


Hello everyone. I hope that you all are doing well. In this article I will be sharing my latest book release titled "Answering Alleged Bible Contradictions and Exposing Bible Corruptions". Here is the book description followed by a link to where you can get your copy, if interested. 

2 Corinthians 2:17

Have you ever heard a skeptic say “the bible has many contradictions”? If so, it can be a real faith shaker if you are a newborn in the faith or are not super familiar with the word of God. Not to fear, Addressing Alleged Bible Contradictions & Exposing Bible Corruptions “ by author Justin Horn tackles hundreds of supposed bible contradictions as well as covers many legitimate translation problems. There are two issues, not one, that is dealt with in this short book. The other issue that is dealt with (besides supposed contradictions) is the bible version issue. Which is the best English bible to read for today? The answer is discovered by listing many problematic verses in the more recent English translations and paraphrases. What you get in this book.

  • A short assessment as to why we can trust the word of God (the introduction).

  • Answering 330+ supposed bible contradictions (Verses included).

  • A very brief overview of the bible version issue.

  • Covers 400+ Bible verses in regards to the Bible version issue, divided into 3 categories; minor variations, KJV bonuses, and worst corruptions (verses not necessarily included).

So if your ready to deepen your understanding of God’s word and at the same time exercise your discernment on which bible translations you trust, then grab a copy of this excellent resource too!