Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Vestigial Organs and Rock Toads

Today i'm writing about 2 great pieces of evidence that refute the ridiculous idea of Darwinian evolution and deep time. First I want to briefly cover the unproven hypothesis of vestigal organs and then go over a startling discovery, Toads encased in Rock.

Genesis Week Season 2 episode 21
Many years ago tonsils were once thought to be vestigial due to Darwinism. Tragically because of this people were paralyzed for life because tonsils provided protection from things like polio before they were cut out due to Evolutionary thinking.

This list of Vestigial organs made by German Anatomist R. Wiedersheim in 1895  included around 100 organs. As science progressed it was discovered that all of the organs in this list had very important functions. the appendix fights infections. so does the Thymus, bone marrow liver and spleen. It's impossible to sit comfortably without a coccyx. Thyroid gland provides steady growth in babies and children and metabolism/body activity. Pituitary gland control skeletal growth and proper functioning of thyroid, adrenals, and reproductive glands. The semi lunar fold in the eye in charge of cleaning and lubricating the eyeball.

See Genesis Week Season 2 Episode 25
During the construction of the Erie Canal, New York in 1817-1825 encased in Rocks dated by Evolutionary Scientist as approx. "430 Million yrs old" were found Toads that were in a stupor. Some of the toads that came out of hibernation lived for days. This is a big problem for Evolutionary theory as the toads that were found in rocks cannot be that old simply because studies show that DNA breaks down in the thousands of years range not millions, even in the best conditions.

Another example is the soft tissues found in a Triceratops horn and rib (Armitage & Anderson, Acta Histochemica). Found in the Hell creek formation, Montana.
What kind of soft tissues you ask? Bone cells, Blood vessels that were still soft and pliable, and blood cells.

Genesis Week Season 3 Episode 30
It turns out mosquito's don't have to eat blood to fertilize their eggs but can eat plant sap instead, however this will result in the fertilization of only one egg at a time instead of hundreds by drinking blood. The point i'm making is that this is strong evidence that supports the account in Genesis where God originally gave all of the animals herbs to eat. Of course, now in our fallen world where things are waxing worse and worse (2nd law of thermodynamics) mosquitoes need the nutrients found in animals blood in order to proliferate more effectively.

Genesis Week Season 3 episode 9
If our brain was the result of random chance so would be our thoughts. why trust your thoughts? Thus intelligence would be the result of randomness.

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