Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Problems that arise when trying to fit evolution in the bible!

Today I feel like going over the problem of trying to fit the evolution theory into the bible by explaining the theories that try to do so and make some points as to why it's illogical to believe both the bible and the theory of evolution. 

Theistic Evolution is the belief that God used the big bang, Deep time, Natural selection and Evolution to create the world.
Gap Theory- the creation week was six literal days but there was a gap of time between 2 distinct creations in the first and 2nd verses in Genesis this is where the billions of years fits in.
Day age theory- says the days of creation weren't literal 24 hour days but millions m or billions of years.

Now i will explain why these beliefs cant be true according to the bible.

1. The sequence of events are off because evolution has the sun before earth, sun before plants, dinosaurs before birds, Fish before plants.

2. Death before Sin Contradicts Romans 5:12-14 and 1 Corinthians 15:21-22. Why else would God give man and beast plants to eat in Genesis 1. Because they aren't alive, don't have blood (Lev 17:14) or breath though nostrils (Gen 2:7, and 7:22)

3. If Day age were true you would have God calling death very good during creation week. the Bible calls death an an enemy (1 Cor 15:26) which is done away with (Rev 21:4). Animals in the New Heaven and earth are Herbivores ( Isaiah 11:6-9, 65:25)

4. During creation week it says the first day, the second day, etc which implies no days beforehand. In Hebrew grammar when you add evening and morning as well as a number it always means a literal 24 hr day.

5. The whole Point of Evolution was to explain How we got here without God, it is supposed to be a natural unguided process which is completely anti-biblical.
(Gen 1:1, Job 12:7-10, Psa 33:6, Rom 1:20-25, Col 1:16)

6. There is Evidence both in the bible and in science that the world is young.
(Luke 3, Gen 1:27, Mat. 19:4, Mark 10:6, Jude 1:14)
C-14 in dino-bones coal and diamonds, Decay of earth magnetic field, shrinking sun, Human population growth stats, length of recorded History, etc.

7. Dinosaurs are mentioned in the bible as dragons.
(Psa 148:7, Isaiah 43:20, Job 40:15, Jeremiah 9:11, Malachi 1:3)
Not to mention we find things like soft tissue in dino bones, ancient dino carvings and figures, then you should consider the dragon stories of old, and modern sightings.

8. Evolution claims creatures turn into new creatures over time even though there  is no evidence for this today or in the fossil record. (Ecc 1:9, Jere 13:23, Genesis 1:11,12,21,24,25)

In conclusion we as Christians should believe the what the bible says about the age of the earth instead of scietisest who's opinions are constantly changing with the ages. (Jeremiah 2:27, John 3:12, Colo 2:8, 1 Tim 6:20)

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