Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Religion: Ho No Hana

Today I feel like discussing another strange religion that has decieved thousands of people it's called Ho No Hana.

It was founded in 1987, by a man named Hogen Fukunaga after he had an alleged "spiritual event" where he claimed to have realized that he is the reincarnation (Heb 9:27) of both Jesus and Buddha. This group once claimed thirty thousand members.

It's often called the foot reading cult because Fukunaga would charge nine hundred bucks to examine peoples feet and make a diagnosis (Deu 18:10). They told the people that visited them that their problems would grow worse unless they attended their seminar which cost 2.25 million yen or donate up to fourteen million yen to their cult (1 Tim 6:10). They urged people to buy high priced items such as scrolls which were said to ward off evil, cure disease, and deliver from sin, as well as break curses.

To Conclude we can see that the bible prophesies right yet again when it tells us that false Christ's and false teachers shall arise and will make merchandise of people (2 Pet 2:3, Mat 24:5), this is all the more reason why Christians should try the spirits to see whether they be of God or not. (1 Joh 4:1)


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