Friday, November 15, 2019

How Procreation Debunks Evolution

(Warning: Children should have Parents permission to view this content). 

In today's article we are going to cover how sex and the formation of a baby could not have been produced by random happenstance but had to be the result of an intelligent designer. This study has two parts, so let's begin.

Part 1: How The Act of Sex Disproves Evolution

First off I'm just going to say that the theory of Evolution has no good explanation of how sex first got started. We see that there are millions of species around the globe and that most of which  cannot breed with other species to produce offspring. Still Evolutionist claim that we've all came from a common Ancestor. Supposedly, according to Evolution Bacteria was one of the first lifeforms on earth. These little critters produce Asexually and we see that they are very Prolific.  It doesn't make sense why natural selection would select a reproduction system that is way more intricate and inferior because it requires sex for it to occur.

Now let's compare various reproduction systems to show how ludicrous it is to suggest that one evolved into another. The theory of evolution says that we all came from some fish ancestor, well how do fish procreate? Most of them lay eggs and then comes the male fish which covers them with sperm. We then have fish supposedly evolving into Amphibians which have a different reproduction system.

Next we have these Amphibians that evolved into lizards supposedly, and they too have differing reproductive systems.  We see that the majority of male lizards do have a penis that they use to internally fertilize the female. After all it wouldn't  do them any good to try and fertilize the egg after the shell develops. Here is a question for evolutionist, how does the female develop a cloaca which is suitable with the penis of the male? This also has to be able to fertilize the egg that is inside the female and how does the shell develop over the eggs after they are fertilized?

What are the Chances that a corresponding male lizard had developed this penis, knew how to use said penis, and that the female would allow this lizard to use it?  What makes it even more impossible is that these organisms had to develop these organs Independently and at exactly the same time, and they had to be at the same place on earth too. Evolution claims that this happens one small step at a time, the problem is if any part of this system is missing or works improperly the species goes extinct, and so long to any evolutionary progression.

We are taught that evolutionary changes occur first in an individual creature and that these changes over time eventually becomes prevalent in the population. It's also worth noting that these changes have to occur at the same time to the male and female of the species. Let's take a look at the platypus for a minute. They lay eggs like reptiles but produces milk like mammals. Not only did they have to learn how to make milk but they also had to have control mechanisms for the milk production also. How does evolution explain the instinct infants have to drink their mother's milk?

Do evolutionist really believe lizards grew boobs and suckled their young? Do they really think that a cloaca can change into a uterus which would allow lizards to become pregnant and deliver young?
Does anyone want to tell me where our penis bone went? The majority of mammals and all great apes have one. Evolutionist have to assume that one of our "ape-like ancestors" must have lost his penis bone and then simultaneously acquired a hydraulic system that included complicated control systems for making an erection. Remember that this new change would still have to had been compatible with the females counterpart. 

We know that Adam and eve were created with perfect DNA, so incest wasn't a problem until later on after we have deteriorated genetically. You see when you marry someone that is more distantly related to you your DNA isn't likely to have the same errors in the same places so when they overlap to create a person the child isn't as likely to have birth defects. Although bible skeptics are quick  to point out that according to the bible we are the result of incest, the Evolutionary model also involves incest for multiple generations and also multiple times. We also see that Evolution would require us to be the result of bestiality. This is because the first pioneer was having intercourse with another species. Why can't evolution happen one small step at a time? Just look at all the research on Infertility because of only small things going wrong in the reproductive system of the same species.

Part 2: How Pregnancy Disproves Evolution

Part A: Leading up to fertilization 

Now let's go over the steps that occur in order to form a baby. Alongside the ovaries is the oviduct, who's funnels Job is to catch the eggs. Once every four weeks a follicle will develop inside the ovary, and this follicle contains the egg. When the egg is ovulated the rest of the follicle cells begin to form the organ that creates certain hormones that's vital for the development of the child. However if the egg wasn't fertilized the organ breaks down  and in turn forms a big scar inside of the ovary. After about 5 months months or so the ovary itself would be only scar tissue, this would bring an end to reproduction. However God made a miracle at this point. The ovaries are the one place in the body that completely dissolves scar tissue. 

Part B: The Fertilization Process

First the egg is fertilized in the woman's oviduct, it then goes to the uterus where it will attach itself to the uterus' wall. Another thing that would bring about the end of life is if the cilia in the oviduct didn't move in a Metachronal rhythm. This is because this rhythm moves the egg down the tube. Not only does this movement need to be perfectly timed, but you also need a bunch of Accumulus cells so that the egg can move through the cilia.

There is a rubbery gel like shell that surrounds the female's egg and only one sperm can be permitted to fertilize this egg. There has to be a way to keep all but one out or its all over. Barrier #1 are those sticky Accumulus cells and the sperm can't get through, i guess it's the end of the species. Nope! There is a special enzyme which is secreted by the sperm's head that is capable of digesting a channel through the Accumulus. Evolutionist would have us believe that the sperm would also had to evolve at the same time a second special enzyme in order to get past the gel like shell which encompasses the egg. 

Finally we see the lone sperm reaching the egg membrane and entering the interior of the egg. This sets off a reaction that hardens that soft gel like shell which prevents the rest of the sperm from entering. Next we have the two chromosomes fusing together and combining the DNA of both parents, thus creating a new person.

Part C: The Development of the Child

Now we have the cell beginning to divide. This clump of cells is now called a zygote, it enters the uterus' hollow chamber and develops what's called a blastocist. Next the baby is on stand-by until the placenta is formed. The placenta cells start to burrow through the uterine wall. This is when another amazing thing happens! Because the blastocist is not discarded even though it is considered a foreign object. 

Then comes along the Cytotrophoblast which burrows into and fuses into an enormous cell. It then forms a link with the mothers blood supply which allows the gases and nutrients to be made accessible to the baby. On day nine the giant cell has empty chambers inside of it so that it can hold the mothers blood.

When day eleven comes, 20 large Arteries in the uterus are eroded and have filled the containers. Then we have the blood clotting mechanism being suppressed in the placenta. Moving to Day 40 the placenta then encompasses the child. Even though the baby's and mother's blood gets really near to one another they do not mix. That is because that one huge cell is what keeps them separate. This amazing organ (the placenta) does it all, it acts as a kidney, a liver, intestines, as well as a endocrine system.

Part D: What Happen's at Birth

Now let's briefly go over a few things that happens when the baby is delivered. When the placenta is expelled the 20 main arteries that are attached to it are severed. Uh Oh! Remember the blood clot mechanism is suppressed, so what causes the mother from bleeding to death? Providentially there are tiny muscular sphincters that shut those arteries similarly to a purse string. This is yet one more reason why evolution couldn't happen one small step at a time. 

Here is another, the bones are too narrow for the baby to be delivered. In other words the baby can't get through the pelvic bone. Well, I guess that's the end of the species if Darwinism is true. Thankfully that's not the case, A special enzyme is then made in order to dissolve the ligaments around 3 joints of the pelvis bone. This allows it to flex just enough to deliver the child. 

So in conclusion we see that all these processes and all these steps that must occur in order for an organism to be created couldn't have been the result of blind chance, but had to have had an adequate cause. I believe an intelligent designer is the only sufficient explanation for what we observe concerning the production of life.

Thanks For Reading Please Share!!!!

References: Ian's Sex video- CrEvo Rant #13
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made parts 1 and 2 with Dr. David Menton- Origins



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