Friday, February 21, 2020

A Brief Look at the Hypocrisy of Catholicism's Popes

In today's post we will be looking at one of the most venerated and highly esteemed positions that someone could be placed in. What I'm referring to is the catholic office of the Pope. The sad truth is that catholic's utterly adore the Pope and hold every things he utters as church doctrine as infallible. Today I will be counting down a top ten list of the world's most vilest popes to show that these men were not of God but were example instead of wolves in sheep's clothing (Mat 7:15).

It's bad enough if a new convert committed some of the atrocities that we will see here, but it's quite another matter when one is given a position of such as bishop/deacon/elder and do these things (1 Tim 3, Tit 1:5-9). For it is a true saying that to whom much is given much shall be required (Luke 12:48).

People with these positions of power in the church should have been studying and growing in the word for years and proven that they indeed love the Lord by resisting temptation (Jam 1:12). So if Catholicism is true we shouldn't see such deep levels of depravity and corruption and the highest levels of their ranks, or Catholics should at least admit that they have worshiped false Christ's since these men are supposedly his replacement here on earth.

Popes #10-7

First on our countdown we have Pope Steven VI who reigned between 889 and 896. So what wicked deed did he commit that he warranted a spot on this list. Well, he had the previous pope's body exhumed and then put it on trial. So what judgment did he exact on the lifeless corpse?  The body's garment was removed as well as two of the fingers he then had his body tossed into the Tiber.

Next we have Pope John XII (955-964). He was said to have committed adultery, incest, fornication, murder, as well as turned the "sacred" palace into a whore house. Then There's
Benedict IX (1032-1048), this Pope was actually Accused of homosexuality & bestiality, as well as adultery, murders, and rapes. Oh..and he also sold his position twice for lucre. 

Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) also called the vicar of Christ, He claimed that all things in Heaven/Earth/Hell were subject to him. He either decreed or confirmed many un-biblical doctrines including transubstantiation, confession to a priest, papal infallibility, and he also forbid the reading of the Bible in vernacular.  He also is responsible for instituting  the bloodthirsty organization known as the inquisition and ordered heretics as well as the Albigenses to be slaughtered.  

Popes # 6-4

Boniface VIII reigned between 1294 to 1303, he was quoted saying "to enjoy oneself and lie carnally with women or with boys is no more a sin than rubbing one's hands together".   He released "Unam sanctum" which declared that it was necessary for salvation to be subject to the roman pontiff.  
The oldest Pope on our list is Pope Damasus 1(366-384). Under his rule women and children were sold as slaves to fund his church. Those that opposed him had their property taken and then they would be set on fire. There are also accounts of nuns being used as prostitutes. 

Pope number four on our list is Alexander VI (1492-1503). There has been many terrible things said about him such as making his illegitimate children help him murder people for power, and that he won the election by using bribery. It is also rumored that He was chambering with a woman that begat him a daughter; with whom he committed incest with and created five children. It has also been said that he committed incest with his two sisters. 

Perhaps the most shocking thing on this list is that it is claimed that he conducted a sex orgy in the Vatican, where there was a feast and 50 nude girls. The girls danced and serviced the guest, there was a contest in which whoever could engage in sex the most won prizes. 

Popes # 3-1

Next we have Pope Leo X who ruled from 1513 to 1521. He is known to have issued indulgences, reaffirmed unam sanctum, and supported the burning of so-called "heretics". Pope Clement VIII (1592-1605) with the help of other popes and the Jesuits he massacred protestants in Bohemia.

The final Pope that we will be looking at today is John XXIII. Not only did he buy the papal office but he also violated hundreds of ladies including nuns, virgins, and married women as well. He denied openly a future life and was called publicly the devil incarnate. 

Last Remarks

I recommend checking out Mat 23 as it is a highly relevant chapter concerning this topic. In it Jesus rebukes the scribes and Pharisees for things like Hypocrisy, devouring widow's houses, extortion, he also speaks concerning the slaying of the prophets (see inquisition). We must understand that there are people out there who deceive others saying they are Christ (Mat 24:4-5), how can anyone deny that the Popes on this list are a perfect example of this! 

The bible teaches that there are many anti-christ out there (1Jn 2:18).  Anti-Christ doesn't just mean the opposite of but also  
instead of, this is also a perfect description of these ungodly Popes who claim to be Christ substitute on earth but act nothing like him. see also Dan 7:25, 2Th 2:3-4.

Did you know that the Popes mitre reads "the vicar of the son of God" (vicarius filii dei)? If you add the roman numerals in the name you get 666, very interesting. Is this just a coincidence?
V   I      C    I   U   I    L    I    I     D     I
5+1+100+1+5+1+50+1+1+500+1 = 666.  
(Rev 13:16-18, Rev 14:11) 
The difference between the Pope and Moses' brother Aaron is that the Pope honors himself whereas Aaron glorifies the Lord (Exodus 28:36-38). 

So in conclusion I made this list just to show Catholics and others that Popes are just men like the rest of us. They aren't perfect and judging by their fruit it would be blasphemous to say they are of Christ. This is why I believe Catholics shouldn't revere them.


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