Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Does the Bible Approve of Slavery? updated


Hello Again, for today's topic we are going to be doing an in depth study through the scriptures concerning the topic of slavery. Considering that skeptics commonly use the argument that the bible promotes slavery as a reason to reject Christianity this is indeed an important issue that needs to be answered. With that said lets get started. 

Before we continue that I just wanted to state that just because the bible mentions something it doesn't mean that God approves of it. For instance the bible records David committing adultery with Bathsheba but that doesn't mean that the bible says adultery is ok. While there are only very few or couple instances of the word slave in the bible there are however over 400 hits if you look up the word servant, I mean it's all throughout scripture. I also suggest looking up the word bondmen as there are some verses on that word too. 

Examples of Servants and Bond-Servants in Scripture

Before we get into some of God's instructions on slave or servant ownership lets look at some examples of people in the bible who owned servants/slaves or examples of people becoming such a servant or slave. There was Hagar who was Sarah's handmaid, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, Racheal and Leah had handmaids named Bilhah and Zilpah, the children of Israel were bondmen in Egypt, and obviously when Israel became a great nation it's kings had servants. 

Why were there Slaves in Scripture?

There are at least 3 Reasons why someone might become a servant or bond servant, there may be more but here is my list.

1. The first reason someone might become a servant or slave is because of famine or poverty (there probably wasn't such a thing as foodstamps back then ya know), in any case it would be better than starving. Lev 25:39-40, Nehe 5:1-5, Prov 22:7
2. Another reason someone might become a slave would be if they stole something and couldn't pay it back. This makes more sense than our society of sending thieves to prison only to be supported by our tax dollars. It's not really any different than mandatory community service of our day. Exo 22:3
3. The third reason for bondmen is war. Captives of war. The references I give is regarding Israel being subjugated by Nebuchadnezzar. Deut 28:68, 2 king 24:15, Jeremiah 27:8,11

OT &NT Rules that instruct to treat Servants Kindly

  • Set free for toothe or eye's sake Exo 21:26-27
  • Not return a slave to his master and not oppress Deut 23:15-16
  • Sabbath off Exo 20:10
  • No kidnapping Deut 24:7, 1 Tim 1:10 
  • Not charging usury or ruling with rigor (of thy brethren) Lev 25:35-43
  • Seventh year release exodus 21:2
  • Master punished for intentionally killing servant/slave Exo 21:20
  • Not Oppress one another Lev 25:17
  • Not Vex or Oppress Strangers Lev 19:33-34
  • Masters forbear threatening Eph 6:9
  • Masters are to give that which is just and equal to servants Col 4:1

Some of the more Harder Passages to Explain

Among the many passages about Servants and bondservants in scripture there really aren't many tough passages to explain. Albeit there are a few. One passage in particular is Exo 21:4 where is says that a Servant who leaves his master doesn't get to keep wife and kids If the Master gave him to wife to Him. Why? That a good question. My guess is so that the women and children wouldn't be impoverished.  

Another passage Atheists or skeptics like to point out is Exodus 21:21 where it informs us that the master won't be punished if the servant Continues a day or two after the beating. They just assume that the ancient Israelites would take advantage of this passage and beat their slaves silly. This passage protects the life of the master as if a servant dies a some time after his punishment it cannot be certain the beating was the cause of the death therefore it would be unjust to kill the master. 

Lev 25:44-46, this passage is clearly a hard one to accept. From it we finally get an answer to the question of the title. Sort of. Does the bible approve of Slavery; well at the very least it was permitted for the OT Israelites to own, buy bondmen & bondmaids of the heathen, and to bestow them to their children. But when we consider all the verses on not to treat them badly we see that the bondmen and bondmaids would have most likely been treated way better than the other nations treated their slaves. Another possible explanation is that this was an indicative statement of fact rather than an imperative command, though given the context this author doesn't think so.  

For a more detailed article which may prove helpful may i suggest

Servants or Slaves in the New Testament. 

The command for servant leadership is found in Mark 10:44 & Luk 22:25-27, that is if you think yourself the greatest then you must be the servant of all.
Jesus, our example (although he is God) took on himself the form of a servant, and even washed the disciples feet. John 13:14, Philippians 2:7

In Christ there is neither bond nor free Gal 3:28, Col 3:11. The following verses instruct Servants on how to behave, telling them things such as not being eyepleasers, be obedient to their masters, and working as to the Lord, etc. Eph 6:5-8, Col 3:22-25, 1 Pet 2:18-20.

A few other interesting passages to consider 1 Cor 7:21,1 Tim 6:1-2, Rev 2:26-27


So in conclusion it would seem that the bible doesn't necessarily prohibit slavery, but gives rules so that the slaves/servants wouldn't be mistreated. It seems that sometimes bondservitude as unpleasant as it seems may be necessary in times of famine, as punishment for crime, or on a larger scale a divine punishment to unruly nations. Unbelievers like to point out that the bible "promotes slavery" as an excuse to ignore the bible so that they can justify their own wicked behaviour they then yield themselves as servants of sin which lead to death. Rom 6:16
Unbelievers need the Son to set them free. Isaiah 61:1, John 8:36

1 comment:

  1. People might find this article to be an interesting supplement:
