Hello again Dear Readers in today's post I will beginning a ten part series that will cover some advice to improve your health. Note: I'm not a doctor, so whatever I am going to say in this series is "not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, and or cure any disease". (just covering my butt in case the medical establishment wants to sue) 😒. Each segment I will give many tips to increase your personal wellness. The last segment will be a summery/Conclusion page that will wrap it up. *This is my plan for post for the following year, although I may make more post than this in 2024.
*Update: due to another big project that I'm currently engaged in, I cannot promise this ten part series will be complete by the end of 2024, although it may still.
The categories I desire to cover are as follows:
- Benefits of Good Nutrition (Vitamins & Minerals)
- Benefits of Good Nutrition (Vitamins & Minerals) pt2
- Drawbacks of Processed Foods (Toxins and Processing)
- Drawbacks of Processed Foods (Toxins and Processing) pt2
- Home/Natural Remedies
- Dangers of Drugs (pharma)
- Environmental Hazards
- Dangers In the Home (Household supplies)
- Miscellaneous (Exercise, Sleep, Mental, and spiritual health, ect).