Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bible Verses 2 Available Now.


Good morning/afternoon/evening my viewers. Whichever time of day you find yourself in. In this post I just wanted to share my 4th book title. This will be my final book for the year. Here is the product description for those who are interested.

                        Ephesians 5:11

Is abortion Murder? Is smoking pot a sin? Can Christian’s be demonized? What is the destination for those that reject Jesus? Is Gambling wrong? What is the problem with Communism and Capitalism? What does the bible say about envy? Murder? Adultery? Fornication? Homosexuality? Theft? These and many more topics will be covered in this volume of Bible Verses For Born-Again Believers.

What do you get in this Volume of “The Bible Study Series”

  • Bible Verses and information on dozens of sins. Including 8 of the 10 Commandments and going on to list similar sins.

  • Exposing the kingdom of darkness by covering what the bible says about Satan and his minions as well as covering the topics of whether Christians can have a demon, and demonic portals.

  • What the bible says about Hell and the Lake of fire, as well as covering what the bible says about death and whether or not a Christian can lose their salvation.

                “LET’S GET BIBLICAL!”

Copies can be obtained from hoopla, Barnes & Noble, borrow box, cloud library, Everand, and more. There will be a .99 cent NEW RELEASE SALE beginning today until October.

Grab your copy Today!!!

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