Welcome to part six of the health suggestion series, for today's topic I will be covering the problem of prescription drugs and under the counter "medication". So why is this such an important subject; well according to a bing search that I conducted while writing this article 131 Americans use prescription drugs. That is around 66% of adults, making this subject highly relevant for today. Although I haven't researched it, I'd say that many professing Christians also take pharmaceuticals, this just going by people that I know. Many people would probably say that I'm crazy, mistaken, or just plain wrong for condemning the act of taking pharmacy drugs. But am I? The bible tells us to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.
Now It is not my job to say who is and who isn't going to heaven, that is for God to decide; however the bible says the the spiritual man judgeth all things and to judge righteous judgment. So the focus of this article is to determine is taking pharmaceutical drugs wrong. For this we will be looking at it from two standpoints; both physically and spiritually.
Physical dangers of taking Prescription drugs.
Now I'm no doctor, and my medical training is mediocre at best, however thanks to the internet anyone can look up adverse health effects or side effects of taking medications. The thing is many if not all pharmaceutical drugs are toxic to the body, if they weren't then why can just a small amount of pills cause overdose and death? It is much harder to overdose on lets say hamburgers for instance. Speaking of overdose do you know how many people die each year from overdoses? Well in 2023 for instance according to another bing search, over 100 thousand people died from overdose. That is an enormous amount of casualties. But even if one takes prescription drugs as directed there are still possible dangerous consequences to such actions for instance here is a small list from an older article that list 50 of the most dangerous drugs out there. Here is a selection of twenty such drugs. For this list I am only going to list the number of serious reactions but you can get the total amount of reported reactions as well as the percentage ratio of serious to total reported reactions on the below link. I will leave the link to the site that gives the number of serious reactions listed but will leave you to do your own homework to verify the type of side effects listed on the count of I don't want a big list of links at the bottom of the page. The side effects given were the result of a quick bing search.Medication Brand Name- # of serious Reactions (as of 4/12/2016) - A few Side effects
- Cozaar-24,242- Dizziness, Nausea, Headache
- Zoloft- 45,622- Acute Abdominal pain, Diarreah, Erectile dysfunction.
- Aspirin-134,402- Vomiting, blurred vision, fatigue.
- Deltasone-60,187- black and bloody stools, irregular heartbeat, seizures.
- Prozac-36,722- Eye pain, vision changes, Hallucinations.
- Risperdal-34,023- Tremors, drowsiness, cold symptoms.
- Jantoven-79,961- Stomach pain, nose bleeds, bleeding gums.
- Protonix-48,736- Fever, flatulence, skin rash.
- Oxycodone-56,165- difficulty urinating, slow shallow breathing, fainting.
- Celexa-42,147- Disorder of ejaculation, Agitation, insomnia.
- Premarin- 40,659- Abdominal distension, Back pain, breast lumps.
- Xarelto-33,317- Hemorrhage, sinusitis, Arthritis.
- Plavix- 70,205- stomach upset, itchy skin, changes in tastes'.
- Aloprim-30,921- Rash, liver problems, and severe skin reactions.
- Provera-34,018- weight loss, dyspepsia, vaginitis
- Remicade-68,167- Hypotension, anemia, chills.
- Rituxan-30,014- Lymphopenia, Rhinitis, night sweats.
- Avastin-39,957- Eye tearing, hypertension, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
- Millipred-42,323- weakened immune system, weight gain, trouble sleeping.
- Cytoxan-33,128- Chest pain, symptoms of heart failure, trouble breathing.
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