Thursday, June 6, 2019

Breatharian's; A Dangerous Belief!

In today's short post I will be discussing the topic of Breatharianism. What is it? Is it true? What does the bible teach about this? Are you ready? Here we go. 

Breatharianism teaches that one can live without eating food or drinking water, instead they can draw their nourishment from what's called "prana". This is also known as "living on light" or "living on air". Prana is taught in the veda's' which is the sacred texts of Hinduism. 

Probably the most famous Breatharian today is Jasmuheen, her original name was Ellen Greve. She is accredited for starting today's Breatharian movement. She appeared on the Australian "60 minutes", in an attempt to prove that you can live off light. After her blood pressure rose and she showed signs of dehydration, which she attributed these signs to polluted air, they moved her further from the city. The Doctor who supervised the observation of the program advised that they stop after she continued to show more signs such as weight loss, dilated pupils, and slowed speech, and they did. 

Other notable Breatharian's include Wiley Brooks whose been a Breatharian for thirty years, and Hira Ratan Manek who claims to have been living off of sun energy and water since the mid 1990's.
So can you live without food and water? Well both Science and the Bible agree that you need both to survive (Jer 11:22, Eze 6:12, Lam 4:9, Hos 2:3, Mat 4:4).

So in conclusion while fasting itself is a good thing for Christians to do now and then, it needs to have a stopping point. Even Christ and Moses ate after their forty day fast. Breatharianism is a dangerous belief that will kill you if you follow it through.

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