Today we will be covering the various sexual sins that are listed in scripture as well as discover why these things are wrong. This is a highly relevant topic today because of the increasingly sexualized culture that we live in. It's important to note that the laws regarding fornication (various sexual sins) were not done away with in the new testament but it is required for Christians to stay away from fornicating (Act 15:20, Act 15:29, Act 21:25, 1 Cor 6:18, 1 Cor 10:8, Eph 5:3, 1 Th 4:3).
Why is Homosexuality a sin?
First allow me to start off by stating that I don't agree with Christian who just attack homosexality to the exclusion of all other sins. I believe that those who desire to sleep with one of the same sex can be saved if they repent and trust alone in Jesus (1Cor 6:11). We are not better than them for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). We need to speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15). With that said let's get started.
The bible shows us that those who leave the natural use of the opposite sex and and instead desire the same gender is the result of God turning them over to those vile affections because they left God to serve Idols (Rom 1:21-27). The bible also refers to Sodomites in the New Testament as abusers / defilers of themselves with mankind (1 Co 6:9, 1 Ti 1:10). The book of Jude reminds us to look back at the events of what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah where the inhabitants thereof are still suffering the vengeance of eternal fire for their desire to partake of strange flesh (Jud 1:7).
In today's culture many people find it funny when actors dress up as the opposite sex to put on a show. The bible says that those that cross dress are an abomination unto the Lord (Deu 22:5). Please refer to Isa 45:9-10 for the transgender/gender dysphoria issue or even just for low body image.
Are "Homosexuals" fighting for equal rights? No, actually they want special rights. They desire the right to marry someone of the same gender. Everyone has the right to marry someone of the opposite gender. They may say they were born that way, my response to that would be "that's why you need to be born again" (John 3:5-7). What if I said I was born with the desire to steal your stuff, or to beat up gay people? They would say No, it's not alright to do that. They wouldn't care if I was born with those desires, we shouldn't let our desires govern our behavior (Jer 17:9). God did not make or tempt us to sin, people sin because we are a part of the fallen world and are drawn away with our own lust (Jas 1:13 -15, Isa 53:6).
In regards to those who say being gay is like being black or why don't I oppose interracial marriage? A person's skin color doesn't hurt anybody, a person can't choose what skin they are born in. A person can choose however who they have sex with. The perverted men of Gibeah still had sex with the Levite's concubine even though they sought after the male (Jdg 19:22-25). An interracial couple can still produce offspring, same sex couples cannot. A child should have a mother and a father figure in their life because each gender interacts with the child differently in a way that compliments each other; see my study on feminism for more info.
In regards to the "homosexual" complaint about not being allowed to marry, we know that Law's must be based on the rule and not the exception. What am I referring to? You ask. Supporters of gay marriage may say that some gay people have been together a long time and they seem to be doing fine. Well, we know that this is an exception and not the rule. It's like saying we should legalize drunk driving because some drunk drivers don't kill people. I heard that one Christian had a "homosexual" tell him that as long as both people are consentual they should be allowed to do it. He then asked the "homosexual" would it be OK for someone to sleep with their mother if both were consentual. The guy's lip quivered and then he said Yes. His lip quivered because he knew it was wrong but he said it anyway to support his position.
Answering Objections from Same -Sex marriage Advocates
Now let's address a few arguments proponents of same sex marriage might make. If they call you a homophobe this is an ad hominin attack which doesn't address the argument, don't you know that some phobia's are rational such as the phobia's of heights, snakes, and sharks. Since same sex union is medically and socially destructive it make sense to not like it. If they say well some animals engage in it. There are quite a few things that animals do we shouldn't do such as eat/fling poo, eat their own young/kind, lick themselves, etc.Are "Homosexuals" fighting for equal rights? No, actually they want special rights. They desire the right to marry someone of the same gender. Everyone has the right to marry someone of the opposite gender. They may say they were born that way, my response to that would be "that's why you need to be born again" (John 3:5-7). What if I said I was born with the desire to steal your stuff, or to beat up gay people? They would say No, it's not alright to do that. They wouldn't care if I was born with those desires, we shouldn't let our desires govern our behavior (Jer 17:9). God did not make or tempt us to sin, people sin because we are a part of the fallen world and are drawn away with our own lust (Jas 1:13 -15, Isa 53:6).
In regards to those who say being gay is like being black or why don't I oppose interracial marriage? A person's skin color doesn't hurt anybody, a person can't choose what skin they are born in. A person can choose however who they have sex with. The perverted men of Gibeah still had sex with the Levite's concubine even though they sought after the male (Jdg 19:22-25). An interracial couple can still produce offspring, same sex couples cannot. A child should have a mother and a father figure in their life because each gender interacts with the child differently in a way that compliments each other; see my study on feminism for more info.
In regards to the "homosexual" complaint about not being allowed to marry, we know that Law's must be based on the rule and not the exception. What am I referring to? You ask. Supporters of gay marriage may say that some gay people have been together a long time and they seem to be doing fine. Well, we know that this is an exception and not the rule. It's like saying we should legalize drunk driving because some drunk drivers don't kill people. I heard that one Christian had a "homosexual" tell him that as long as both people are consentual they should be allowed to do it. He then asked the "homosexual" would it be OK for someone to sleep with their mother if both were consentual. The guy's lip quivered and then he said Yes. His lip quivered because he knew it was wrong but he said it anyway to support his position.
The Bible and Beastiality
This was another sin punishable by death in the Old Testament. As human beings we are made in the Image of God (Gen 1:26) and as such our value is worth much more than any animal (Isa 66:3, Luke 12:7). This kind of depravity is so sickening that I don't need to speak much about this as most people's conscience will tell them that it's wrong to do such things, that's if they haven't seared it off. The good news is that according to a GIF on wikipedia less and less states have it being legal since the early 2000's, there are unfortunately still a few states that allow it however (Exo 22:19, Lev 20:15 -16, Deu 27:21).Does the Bible speak about Pedophilia?
While to my knowledge the word itself isn't in scripture but I have found a few verses that are quite relevant. While we know that if someone raped a child with parents, the parents could avenge them. The bible speaks of God avenging the fatherless child when he/she cries out to him from being afflicted, threatening to slay the perpetrator with the sword (Exo 22:22 -24). Matt 18:6 could be a strong verse to use against pedeophilia if it is talking about actual children instead of new converts.What about Incest in the Bible?
Critics of the bible will sometimes mention how that Abraham and Lot committed Incest and scoff because they were considered just or faithful in the bible. First off Lot wasn't consensual when his daughter raped him. Second, the fact that Abraham married his half sister was before the law was given (Rom 5:13). I don't believe incest was a sin near the beginning of creation because the gene pool was a lot more pure back then, hence this is why it's logical to assume Cain married his sister. You see nowadays and through much of history however if you married a close relative you would more than likely have similar defects in your genes, and when you had offspring they would have birth defects more often.
This is why God forbids marrying someone you are closely related to (Lev 18:6, 20:11 -12, Deu 27:22 -230). Two examples of incest in scripture is the story of Amnon and Tamar (2 Sa 13:1 -14), as well as Absalom and Davids concubines (2 Sa 16:22). It is mentioned also in Ezekiel 22:11. Please note that this is still a sin in the New Testament and a cause to avoid brethren who do this (1 Co 5:1-2, 1 Cor 5:11).
This is why God forbids marrying someone you are closely related to (Lev 18:6, 20:11 -12, Deu 27:22 -230). Two examples of incest in scripture is the story of Amnon and Tamar (2 Sa 13:1 -14), as well as Absalom and Davids concubines (2 Sa 16:22). It is mentioned also in Ezekiel 22:11. Please note that this is still a sin in the New Testament and a cause to avoid brethren who do this (1 Co 5:1-2, 1 Cor 5:11).
The Problem of Whordom and Porn
Concerning Pornography it's an epidemic in our country, and with the addition of the Internet it's so widespread nowadays. If you think that watching porn isn't the same as paying a hooker for sex, you'd be wrong. If you even look with lust at a woman you have already committed adultery with her, this is why Jesus warned that your better off to cut out / off your eye / hand than to go to hell (Mat 5:28-30). The perfect man Job understood the consequences of adultery and of those whose heart has walked after the sight of their eyes (Job 31:1-11).
We learn from scripture that we are to hate evil and to not set a wicked thing before our eyes (Psa 97:10, Psa 101:3). A porno disc would indeed be a wicked thing. Do you hate the work of those that turn aside such as whores and whore-mongers? Does it cleave to you? This verse may be talking about Idols but it sure does apply to pornography as well. The wise King Solomon warns us repeatedly to beware of strange women and the adulteress too.
(Pro 5:3 -23, Pro 6:26, Pro 7:7 -27 , Pro 22:14)
Pornography is an insatiable lust that leaves the person craving more and more. It's because of men covetous eyes that hell is constantly being filled up, yet never full (Pro 27:20). We as Christians are to control our thoughts and bring them under the subjection of Christ (2 Co 10:5). You can't do that if your watching porn.
Pornography is an insatiable lust that leaves the person craving more and more. It's because of men covetous eyes that hell is constantly being filled up, yet never full (Pro 27:20). We as Christians are to control our thoughts and bring them under the subjection of Christ (2 Co 10:5). You can't do that if your watching porn.
Even if we don't pay for sex we still shouldn't have it until we are married. It's still a sin, and it's known as chambering when a man and women have sex outside of marriage (Rom 13:13 -14). Two possible examples of this in the bible is in Gen 34:2 and 1 Sa 2:22. The passages refer to sex but don't mention any form of payment. In regards to whether it's a sin to masterbate, I have made a lengthy article here that deals with this specific issue. 1 Timothy 5:2 are great instructions on how a man should treat a girl to whom he is not married to.
The Bible and Lasciviousness
So what is Lasciviousness, Lasciviousness is known to be unbridled sensuality, lustfulness or wantoness. It is one of the things
that comes from the heart of man and defiles him, it's also known as a work of the flesh. We should no longer be living for the lust of the flesh but rather for the will of God. The bible speaks of wicked men who will use God's grace as an excuse to practice lasciviousness.
(Mar 7:22, Gal 5:16-19, Eph 4:19, 1 Pe 4:1-3, Jud 1:4)
(Mar 7:22, Gal 5:16-19, Eph 4:19, 1 Pe 4:1-3, Jud 1:4)
What does the Bible say about Rape?
Then we come to the issue of rape and the bible. While rape of a betrothed damsel was punishable by death, if a man layed with a woman who wasn't betrothed he was then forced to marry her. This makes perfects sense. The man took something very precious from the girl that she can't get back now he is required to provide and care for her all her days, he couldn't put her away. I see this as a great way of discouraging rape (Deu 22:25-27, Deu 22:28-29).What about Sex within the Confines of Marriage?
The bible teaches us not to withhold sex from our spouse if they want it. It's also not a good idea to go without sex if your married unless you both agree to it for the purpose of praying / fasting (1 Cor 7:5). Concerning oral sex, if you both are OK with it then I see no biblical passage that condemns it. Some Christians may cite Sos 2:3 and Sos 4:16 and say that these passages are referring to oral sex, I take no stance one way or the other as to whether they do or don't. A word of caution though scientific research says that oral sex can result in female infertility for the same reason that anal sex does. If one spouse thinks it's a sin then don't do it (Rom 14:13-14, Rom 14:23, 1Cor 8:12, 2Cor 4:2, Jam 4:17).
Although anal sex between husband and wife isn't explicitly mentioned in scripture, Christians who believe that it is OK to engage in this activity may cite Heb 13:4 which tells us the marriage bed is undefiled. Although this is a good point, there are other passages of scripture that we need to take into consideration. Since we know that this activity can be dangerous, we should look for passages that tell us not to harm our wives. Are there any such verses in Scripture? Yes, there are! The bible tells us that the husband is supposed to love his wife as his own body (Eph 5:28-29). Therefore he should nourish and cherish her, and not seek to harm her or make her do something she is not comfortable with. Here are just nine health hazards of practicing Anal sex. Pain, Std's, urinary tract infections, fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids, Anal fissure & Colon perforation, rectal prolapse, creation of antisperm antibodies that may lead to autoimmune infertility, and increased risk of anal cancer.
Here are a few more points that we can derive from scripture that may make us think twice before engaging in anal sex.
We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God and not be conformed to the world (Rom 12:1-2). Our body is the temple of God and we are to glorify God with it, not defile it (1Cor 3:16-17, 1Cor 6:19-20, 1 Cor 10:31). We are to know how to posses our vessels in sanctification and honour ( 1 Thess 4:4-5). In the perilous times of the last days the men will be lovers of their own selves, and they are without natural affection (2 Tim 3:1-4). We are to give are honour to the wife (1Pet 3:7), wouldn't that type of sex be degrading? See also 2 Cor 7:1, Eph 4:17-19, Eph 5:1-7, Jam 1:21, 2Pet 2:9-10).
Although anal sex between husband and wife isn't explicitly mentioned in scripture, Christians who believe that it is OK to engage in this activity may cite Heb 13:4 which tells us the marriage bed is undefiled. Although this is a good point, there are other passages of scripture that we need to take into consideration. Since we know that this activity can be dangerous, we should look for passages that tell us not to harm our wives. Are there any such verses in Scripture? Yes, there are! The bible tells us that the husband is supposed to love his wife as his own body (Eph 5:28-29). Therefore he should nourish and cherish her, and not seek to harm her or make her do something she is not comfortable with. Here are just nine health hazards of practicing Anal sex. Pain, Std's, urinary tract infections, fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids, Anal fissure & Colon perforation, rectal prolapse, creation of antisperm antibodies that may lead to autoimmune infertility, and increased risk of anal cancer.
Here are a few more points that we can derive from scripture that may make us think twice before engaging in anal sex.
We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God and not be conformed to the world (Rom 12:1-2). Our body is the temple of God and we are to glorify God with it, not defile it (1Cor 3:16-17, 1Cor 6:19-20, 1 Cor 10:31). We are to know how to posses our vessels in sanctification and honour ( 1 Thess 4:4-5). In the perilous times of the last days the men will be lovers of their own selves, and they are without natural affection (2 Tim 3:1-4). We are to give are honour to the wife (1Pet 3:7), wouldn't that type of sex be degrading? See also 2 Cor 7:1, Eph 4:17-19, Eph 5:1-7, Jam 1:21, 2Pet 2:9-10).
What else does the Bible say about our sexuality?
In regards to Polygamy, people for it may argue that Jacob, David, and Solomon had multiple wives. I would respond by saying just because you see someone doing something in the bible it doesn't mean God endorses it. In fact there are a few bible verses against polygamy (Deu 17:17, 1 Cor 7:2, 1 Tim 3:2).
So in conclusion whatever your sexual temptations are we as Christians are called to be different from the world in that we are not to live after the flesh but rather to follow the Spirit instead (Rom 8:1-14, Gal 5:24-25, Col 3:5). If you are struggling with sexual sin take comfort in knowing that you can overcome it. There will be Christians in heaven who are ex-fornicators, or ex-adulterers, God will not allow you to be tempted more than you can handle (1 Cor 6:11, 1 Cor 10:13).
Other Interesting bible verses:
Gen 38:9, Deu 25:11, Hos 13:13, Amo 2:7, Joh 8:41, Rom 1:29, 2 Co 12:21, 2 Tim 2:22, Tit 2:5, Heb 12:15 -17, 1 Pet 2:11
Other Interesting bible verses:
Gen 38:9, Deu 25:11, Hos 13:13, Amo 2:7, Joh 8:41, Rom 1:29, 2 Co 12:21, 2 Tim 2:22, Tit 2:5, Heb 12:15 -17, 1 Pet 2:11
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