Today I thought I would go through the bible and mention many of the miracles and supernatural events that are listed in scripture. The types of miracles that I mention here will vary from healings, to plagues, to changes in the weather, to just unusual events. We will start in Genesis and go clear on through to the New Testament. Are you ready? Let's get started.
Miracles In The Book Of Genesis
In Gen 1:1 we have God creating the heaven and the earth, and
once God drove out Adam from the garden in Gen 3:24, he placed Cherubims and a flaming sword to guard it. When we look at the early genealogies we see that Enoch was translated instead of dying (Gen 5:24, Heb 11:5).
In Gen 7:6 we have the global flood beginning which wiped out all but eight people. Then we read in Gen 9:13 that God created the rainbow for a sign that he won't flood the whole earth again. The bible tells us that the Lord confounded the language of the people at babel (Gen 11:9). When fleeing from the destruction of Sodom we see Lot's wife becoming a pillar of salt after looking back (Gen 19:26). In Gen 20:18 we have God making the women of Abimelech house barren on the count of Sarah. Then we have the interpretation of dreams through Joseph in Gen 40:8.
Miracles From The Time Of Moses
In the book of Exodus we have God calling to Moses out of the midst of the burning bush (Exo 3:2). Two signs that Moses' was to use to convince the people that God had sent him included The leprous hand sign (Exo 4:6), and a rod becoming a serpent (Exo 7:10).
The ten plagues of Egypt were Waters turned to blood (Exo 7:17), Frogs (Exo 8:2), Dust becoming lice (Exo 8:16), Flies (Exo 8:24), The murrain (Exo 9:3), Boils (Exo 9:11), The plague of hail (Exo 9:23), Locust (Exo 10:4), Darkness (Exo 10:21), and the death of the firstborn (Exo 12:29). After the ten plagues God led the children of Israel out of Eygpt by a pillar of cloud and pillar of fire (Exo 13:21, Num 9:16), and he even divided the sea for them to cross (Exo 14:21).
Once he led them out of Egypt he didn't let them die of hunger or thirst but provided for them. He made bitter water sweet (Exo 15:25), rained bread from heaven (Exo 16:4), and had water flow out of a rock (Exo 17:6). Other memorable miracles of the book of Moses include when the Lord descended upon mount Sinai in fire (Exo 19:18), Moses' shining face (Exo 34:30), The glory of the Lord appearing (Lev 9:23), and when the Fire from/of the Lord devoured Aaron's sons and others (Lev 10:2, Num 11:1).
We also have a wind from God that brought quails followed by a plague that destroyed the people who lusted (Num 11:31-34). I have heard one Christian say that the quails were providential, and not miraculous; whether that is true or not it's still a noteworthy event that I just wanted to mention. Next we have Miriam becoming a leper because she and Aaron spoke against Moses for marrying an Ethiopian gal (Num 12:10).
Then there is the matter of Korah where the earth opened her mouth and swallowed those men (Num 16:32).There's the blossoming of Aaron's rod (Num 17:8), and the ordeal with the fiery serpents (Num 21:6-9).

The last notable miracle that I will mention in the books of Moses is the talking donkey of Balaam (Num 22:28).
The Time Of Joshua And The Judges
We also see how God helped Israel to subdue their enimies when he caused the walls of Jericho to fall down (Jos 6:20), as well as the sun to stand still in the midst of heaven (Jos 10:13). Then we read about Gideon and the sign of the fleece in Jdg 6:36-40, followed by how the Lord delivered the host of Midian into his hand (Jdg 7:22).
Though I'm not sure this one counts as a miracle I thought that I would mention the bees and honey in lion carcass (Jdg 14:8). It was God that enabled Samson to slay a thousand men (Jdg 15:16), and to literally bring down the house (Jdg 16:30).
There's the Dagon idol fallen before the ark in 1Sa 5:3-4, the Lord smiting the men of Bethshemesh in 1Sa 6:19, and God smiting Uzzah for putting his hand to the ark (2Sa 6:7). The Lord sends a pestilence as one of the three possible consequences for King David numbering Israel (2 Sa 24:15).
The Books Of Kings & Chronicles
There's King Jeroboam's hand drying up when he put it forth against the man of God who cried against the alter (1Ki 13:4), and the account of the ravens that fed the prophet Elijah in 1Ki 17:4. We have a barrel of meal and cruise of oil that lasted until it rained again on the earth (1Ki 17:14). We have the record of the widow's son being revived in 1Ki 17:22, and the fire of the Lord falling and consuming the sacrifice upon mount Carmel (1Ki 18:38). At the saying of the prophet Elijah the Captain and fifty were consumed by fire from heaven (2Ki 1:10), Elijah was later taken up to heaven by Chariots and Horses of Fire (2Ki 2:11).
Some notable miracles done by the prophet Elisha include the vessels of oil (2Ki 4:6), the revival of yet another child (2Ki 4:35), Naaman's leprosy being cleansed when he washed in Jordan (2Ki 5:14), and the floating axe head (2Ki 6:6).
There is a pretty unique way a man was revived when his corpse touched the bones of Elisha (2Ki 13:21). We also have the angel of the Lord smiting the camp of the Assyrians (2Ki 19:35), the Lord answering David by fire upon the alter (1Ch 21:26), and a deliverance from the enemy in 2Ch 20:23. Finally for this section there is the account of King Uzziah's leprosy as the result of him trying to do the duty of the priest (2Ch 26:18-19).
The Prophets Through Matthew
There is the virgin birth prophesied and fulfilled (Isa 7:14, Mat 1:20). We see in Isa 11:7 that things will go back to how they were in the garden of Eden, this is shown by the Lion eating straw instead of killing prey. We see the sun dial of Ahaz going ten degrees backward as a sign that Hezekiah will live yet another fifteen years and that the Lord would deliver the city from the king of Assyria in Isa 38:5-8.
There's Daniel interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Dan 2:30, and we find out in Dan 3:25 that the fire had no effect on the three men who were cast into the furnace. There's that dreadful hand that wrote on the plaster of the wall in Dan 5:5. We see that Daniel was delivered from the lions in Dan 6:22. We find out in the book of Joel that God will pour out his spirit upon all flesh and that sons and daughters will prophesy, old men will dream dreams, and young men will see visions (Joe 2:28). Then there's the account of the whale vomiting out Jonah (Jon 2:10). The last miracle that we will look at before the Gospels is in Zec 14:12. Where we see what happens to those that fight against Jerusalem, their flesh will consume away while they are yet standing .
During Jesus' baptism we have the voice that came from heaven (Mat 3:17). In Matt 4 we have Jesus Healing of all manner of sickness and disease (Mat 4:23). In Matthew 8 we have Jesus curing Peter's mother in-law's fever (Mat 8:15). There's the account of the woman with the issue of blood that was stanched (Mat 9:20-22). We see Jesus feeding the multitude with so little in Mat 14:19-21, and the healing of the disabled in Mat 15:31.
Matt 17 tells us that Jesus was transfigured before James, Peter, and John when he brought them up to a high mountain (Mat 17:2, Luk 9:29). When asked for money for tribute Jesus had peter go fishing and told him the money for the tribute would be in the fishes mouth (Mat 17:27). Right before our Lord's return we have the Sun being darkened, the Moon not giving her light, and the stars falling from heaven (Mat 24:29-30). At the end of the Gospel of Matthew we have the revival of saints (Mat 27:52-53), and the resurrection of Christ (Mat 28:6-7).
More Miracles In The Gospels
Near the beginning of Mark's Gospel we have Jesus healing the sick and casting out devils (Mar 1:34), as well as the cleansing of the leper (Mar 1:42). We read in Mark 2 about Jesus healing of the sick of the palsy after four men had to lower him down from the roof because they couldn't get in through the door, Jesus also showed that he had authority to forgive sins in this passage. Jesus also showed that it was OK to do good on the sabbath by restoring a man's hand on that day (Mar 3:5). Jesus also calmed a storm (Mar 4:39), revived a dead girl (Mar 5:41-42), expelled a deaf and dumb spirit (Mar 9:25-27), and healed the blind (Mar 10:52). The last miracles we see mentioned in mark are the 5 types of sign gifts given to those that believe (Mar 16:17-18).
The Gospel of Luke has many recorded miracles of healing. This included the Leper who was cleansed (Luk 5:13), the healing of the centurion's servant (Luk 7:10), the revival of the dead young man on the bier (Luk 7:14-15), the power and authority given to the disciples so they could heal (Luk 9:1), and healing of the bowed woman (Luk 13:13).
Now let's go over a few miracles that are recorded in the book of John. During the marriage of Cana, we see that Jesus had turned water into wine (Joh 2:9). We find out in chapter 4 that Jesus didn't even have to go to the nobleman's house to heal his son, but he told him right there that his son lived (Joh 4:50-54). One of the more obvious miracles in my opinion is when we see Jesus walking on water in Joh 6:19. We have the account of Jesus bringing Lazarus back from the grave after he was dead for four days (Joh 11:43-44). The last miracle in the gospels that I thought that I would mention is the voice from heaven as stated in Joh 12:28.
The Book of Acts And Onward
So what are some miracles that occurred in the New Testament (post Resurrection)? There is the speaking with other tongues on the day of Pentecost (Act 2:4). Although not very specific he bible mentions in a couple of places that many wonders and signs were done by the apostles (Act 2:43, Act 5:12). Then there's the healing of the man born lame who laid at the beautiful gate called to ask alms, and yet another lame man healed as well (Act 3:6-8, Act 14:10). Then there's the record of the place being shaken when the christian's prayed in Act 4:31.
We have the angel of the Lord opening the prison doors in Acts 5:19, and the Unclean spirits being driven out and the lame/palsies healed in Act 8:7. Once the Eunuch was baptized there's the catching away of Phillip by the Spirit (Act 8:39). We see Saul receiving his sight again in Act 9:18, and one called Aeneas healed in Act 9:34. There's the account of Tabitha being brought back from the dead by the prayer of Peter (Act 9:40). There's the account of Peter's vision of the vessel that descended from heaven that contained all those beast (Act 10:11-16).
Next we have the Lord smiting Herod because he didn't give God the glory when men called him a god at his orientation (Act 12:23). There's Elymas the sorcerer becoming blind after trying to turn the deputy from the faith (Act 13:8-11). We have Paul surviving being stoned (Act 14:19 -20), and the time he had a vision (Act 16:9). There's the earthquake that caused all prison doors to open and bands to be loosed (Act 16:26). There's the record of Eutychus being revived after falling from the third loft during Paul's preaching (Act 20:9-12). The last two miracles from Acts that I will mention is Paul's protection from viper venom (Act 28:3-5), and Publius being healed of the fever and bloody flux Act 28:8.
When looking through the epistles of Paul we see that there are Spiritual gifts of healing and working of miracles (1 Cor 12:9-10). I also consider the changed life of Christians a miracle as well (2 Cor 5:17, Gal 6:15). The book of Revelation features many incredible events of God pouring out his wrath on a wicked world although I will not be covering those here.
In conclusion although I undoubtedly missed several miracles in scripture I hope that you have enjoyed this compilation of some of the most amazing events in history! Whether you are a new Christian or been in the faith for several years I hope that this study helps you to realize that with God all things are possible (Mat 19:26), and that hopefully this deepens your trust in him.
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