Friday, October 2, 2020

A Rant about Public Schooling

Hello you guys, thank you for visiting my blog. Now if you are a parent who sends their kids to public school, I just want to forewarn you that the material contained in this article might offend you. In this post I will be listing 20 reasons why Public Schooling children is a bad idea, is unnecessary at best, or something along those lines. I will be including quite a bit of  scripture to show that quite a few of these are not just my opinions but are truths supported by God's word also.

1. The Purpose of Public Schools 

I will start my rant by just listing a few quotes to spark the readers curiosity into wanting to learn more about the dark side of public education.

Seth Godin -"The Sole intent of universal public education during the Industrial age was to train people to be willing to work in the factory; to train people to behave and comply. Yet, many aspects of our public education system are (scarily) still stuck in that period of time"

Ken Robinson - "We have a system of education that is modeled on the interest of industrialism and in the image of it. Schools are still pretty much organized on factory lines...ringing bells, separate facilities, specialized into special subjects. We still educate children by batches."

H.L. Mencken- “The most erroneous assumption is to the effect that the aim of public education is to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence…Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians…and that is its aim everywhere else.” 

Frederick Taylor Gates -“In our dream…the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand…We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply…For the task that we set before ourselves is a very simple as well as a very beautiful one: to train these people as we find them for a perfectly ideal life just where they are…an idyllic life under the skies and within the horizon, however narrow, where they first open their eyes.”

The point is all day Children are trained to follow instructions (sit down, take out your books, turn to page .., no talking, solve this problem, etc). These are the values of the industrial age, where success depended on doing exactly what you were told. Nodaway's however we need people who are creative, can collaborate with others, and communicate their ideas effectively. Publics schools do not promote this type of behavior.

2. Does a Disservice to both Sexes.
Why do I state this? It makes boys effeminate by making them sit down all day (something boys aren't made to do), and unless they go to a trade school it doesn't teach them how to do man-work such as carpentry, wielding, mechanics, farming, etc. The public schools do a disservice to girls because instead of teaching them to become godly wives and mothers it instead teaches women to be dependent on themselves, pursue a career, and turns them into men by making them the breadwinners of the relationship; It turns women into feminist! As Americans we should be taking God's advice through Jeremiah to ask for the old paths, wherein is the good way and walk therein (Jer 6:16).
God's word instructs women to marry, bear children, and guide the house, among other things (1 Tim 5:14).

3. Worldly Influence
Here I'm going to just repeat some of my points that I mentioned in my communism article. In it I mentioned that the public school system not only promotes humanism/athiesm (with their Darwinian evolutionist worldview), but some also promote the LBGT agenda from the instructors. Likewise children (whether you approve of it or not) will be influenced to curse, smoke, drink, etc by their peers. It is absurd to think that taking your kid to church 2-3hrs a week can offset the tidal wave of ungodliness they experience 7+ hrs a day at school.

We know that offenses must come but woe unto him through whom they come (Luk 17:1-2), the fact is your child will be tempted to sin but woe unto the parents who tempt their children to sin by sending them to public schools were they will be surrounded by bad influences. The bible tells us to  not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Rom 12:1-2), wouldn't we be causing our children to be conformed to the world by sending them to an atheistic institution with liberal values.

By sending your child to public schools where atheism is taught instead of the bible you are exposing your child to the counsel of the ungodly (Psa 1:1), and oppositions of science Falsely so called (1Tim 6:20). Is it really wise to send your kid off during their most impressionable years were they will be exposed to false and ungodly teachers

4. Indoctrinates instead of Teaches
Another thing that public schools do is teach kids what to think instead of how to think critically, put another way it brainwashes and indoctrinates them. Children are taught to believe whatever the teacher says regardless of whether or not it's true. I recall in an older youtube video that I watched that one fellow creationist (I think it might have been Kent Hovind), that he mentioned a school question that read something similar to if not exactly: Do you think humans are still evolving? There's a presupposition there, isn't there? Loaded Question.

Unless your child takes art or something like that, the public school system stifles your child's creativity. How so? Children are given a fixed set of very limited subjects to choose from? And from these they are all taught the same material. I won't go so far as to say that they leave no room for passions or interest (like one or more of my sources attest) but that the selection of which are very limited, and a substantial amount of which will never be useful/practical information that they will use in everyday life. One of primary ways that we as humans find fulfillment in life is finding out what we are good at, and what we enjoy doing, if an education system fails to help a child realize their passion and dreams I believe they have at least partially failed to do their job.

Public school in no way helps children to understand the strong meat of God's word (Heb 5:14), but instead pushes them in the opposite direction, in other words it kills their discernment.
Paul warns us in Colossians 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

5. Age Segregation
The next problem we have in public schooling is the dividing up of children by age. Now I understand that you can't have a classroom of 15 and 7 yr olds, and expect to teach them the same things so I get that it's a necessary evil; that is if your not homeschooling your kids.
There are some bible passages that raise some concern regarding this issue. 1. foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from him (Pro 22:15).
2.  A companion of fools shall be destroyed (Pro 13:20).

The point that I'm trying to drive home is this, the discipline in school system is insufficient to drive foolishness from children, detention isn't the same as a physical whooping.  How much control do you have over whom your child becomes friends with? If they go to public school, it is obvious that you don't have too much control over that. Odds are your children's friends are fools or at least foolish because of lack of discipline and/or they don't believe in God. You have more control over who your child associates with if their homeschooled.

6. Sports Idolatry
How many parents refuse to homeschool their kids because they want them to become professional athletes? One word PRIORITIES. What is more important? your child throwing a ball through a hoop and making lots of money while forgetting God or becoming a godly, saved, humble servant of the living God Jehovah. Am I saying athletes can't be saved, or course not. But I strongly encourage my readers to pray and ask God how to educate your children, and if becoming a sports star is Gods will for their life. See luke 8:14, and Luke 21:34.

7. Divides The Family
Another issue that I have with public schools is that it separates kids from their parents and teaches children to dishonor their parents by respecting other people's word over theirs. I don't know if the reader realizes this but our culture is brainwashing kids to think that their dad's are idiots. It is the parent's not the state's responsibility to teach and disciple their kids in the faith. Do you really want your kids to turn into their teachers (most of which your probably don't know too well), A servant is not above his master but everyone that is perfect shall be as his master (Luk 6:40). Kids, you must Honour thy father and mother (Eph 6:1-3). Fathers, bring your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4). It utterly disgusts me when parents say stuff like "I wish this Covid 19 is over so I can send my kids back to school." Parents today act like they don't want their kids.

8. The First Issue with Collage

Allow me to ask you parents one question, Why do you send your kids to school? That's easy right. Most of you would probably say because we want our kids to get into a good collage and that way they can have a successful and profitable career. Am I right. Well let's address two big problems with sending your kids off to collage (which is the primary reason for public education).

The first problem is indeed the most significant which is this, according the source that I list below ( and probably a ton more if you google it) says that approximately 70% of high school students who go to collage as professing Christians will leave the faith by will end up with little to no faith by the time they leave collage. Now I realize that that scripture predicts this kind of thing will happen in Luk 8:13 . I also know that few there is that actually find eternal life (Mat 7:14). But still it is a shame, and knowing this statistic alone would make me think twice before sending my kid off to collage. Those that never knew Jesus will be better off in the end than those that knew him and forsook him (2 Pet 2:18-22). We will get to the second problem with collage shortly, but now let's go to the next section.

9. Poor Nutrition
So what kind of food do public school system feed children. I'm going to hazard a guess that it's things like non-organic, pasteurized milk and orange juice, pizza, mech-separated chicken, fruits and veg derived from a can, etc. The point that I'm trying to make is that the school system do not have your children's best health in mind.

The bible says in  to Eat that which is good(Isa 55:2), and to eat and drink to the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31). Now I don't claim to be perfect in this area but I just want to raise awareness to perhaps inspire parents to maybe pack their kids lunch if they do send them to public school.

10. Deemphasizes the Need for Marriage Training and Parenting
So how much time is spent in the classrooms teaching children how to be good spouses and parents. I believe in most cases and at least from my experience it's close to 0%. Letting a child carry around and feed a battery-powered crying doll for a parenting class is just so ridiculously insufficient. To be fair I didn't take the class, so if you did feel free to tell me what useful parenting knowledge that they bestowed upon you. This still doesn't teach marriage tips though.
Here are a few relevant bible passages (Deu 4:9, Tit 2:4-5, 1 Pet 3:7).

11. Breeds Self-Centeredness
Another thing that public schools do whether you are aware of it or not is it encourages selfishness. The parents are expected to provide EVERY LITTLE THING that their child ask for whether it's field trips, unnecessary school supplies, you gotta attend all those soccer games, and all those scholastic books, the list goes on and on.

Children are to focus on good grades so they can get into a good collage above and at the expense of everything else, they are taught that being successful and climbing up that ladder is the most important thing in life. I'm not saying education isn't important but they should be taught that loving God and others is the most important thing in life (Mat 22:37-40) and not their personal career.
This is a sign of the times we are living in when men shall be Lovers of their own self (2 Tim 3:2).
What shall it profit them if they gain the whole world and lose their soul (Mar 8:34-37).

12. Taxes
Another problem with the Public school system is that they use everyone's money to fund it. Not just the parents of the kids that attend. Why should I pay to have another persons kid become brainwashed and defiled by the influence of the world?

13. Inauthentic Learning
I wonder exactly how many people who read this article remember at least half of the stuff that they learned in school. Probably not the majority. How do we teach kids in public schools? They memorize useless facts from a textbook (or tablet) and then once they take the exam they forget most of what they learned the next day, this is why it's referred to as Inauthentic learning. We only measure the memorization and retention. Learning however can be much more than that. In Authentic learning it's way more than just memorizing words on paper, it instead teaches children a wide array of educational techniques that can connect students to real life issues, problems and application as well, the students learn by doing (first hand experience) instead of just thinking up a theoretical scenario. If you want to know more about Authentic learning I will leave a link in the references below, but to sum it up quickly; it can be a lot more useful and engaging (hands-on) than sitting at a desk writing on paper, it also can be more relevant and applicable to life outside of school.

14. The Second Problem with collage
The next thing that I want to mention about collage besides that fact that most get loans (which is wrong for Christians, Rom 13:8) and the fact that your sending your kids off to live next to a bunch of horny young adults (not a good way to protect their purity, Rom 13:13); is that the chances that your children will find a job in the field of their major or even a job that requires a 4-year degree isn't super great to say the least (according to the sites that I list). Now I understand that statistics can vary widely depending on which study you go to however the point is I don't think it's worth spending tens of thousands of dollars to send kids into a den of vipers (i'm referring to the ungodly), if your kid only has let's say a 60-70% chance at best to land their dream job. That's just my opinion though.

Here are a few stats from the provided sources/surveys.
32% of collage grads said they had never worked in a field related to their major.
A little more than a 1/3 wished they picked a different major.
Between the time they entered collage and graduation 28% said that the demand for their degree worsened, while only 13 % said the demand for their degree increased.

According to a New York Fed Chart a mere 62 percent of collage grads that had gotten 4yr degrees were working in a field that required a collage degree, and only 27.3% were working in a field directly related to their major.

15. Differences on How we learn

Another problem that kids face in public schools is the pace and manner in which the material is taught. There are differences in how kids learn, what resources and tools help each child the most, and how long it takes for each to learn something. Children are considered failures just because it may take them a little longer to learn the subject matter. There is litte to no room in the system for these differences.

16. Lack of Autonomy and control
The next issue that we'll cover is the children's lack of autonomy and control while they are enrolled in school. As adults we must choose when and what to do at any given moment, and how to manage our time most effectively. However, just about every waking moment from 7 am to almost 3pm in a child's life is dictated by another, and that's not including homework. Children are told where to go, sit, what to do, when to eat, and when to leave. This in no way is training them on how to live in the real world, unless of course they want to be factory workers, or serfs in another's business. This is no way prepares them in owning their own business which is something I believe is important.

As Christian we are to be servants of the Lord, what we do with our time should be dictated by him and not by another. Schools train children to be mindless zombies who don't think critically. I'm not saying it's a sin to be employed by another but it sure has some significant disadvantages. ex. "I can't rest on the sabbath, the boss is making me work", "Oh my wife is very Ill, well I can't take care of her right now I gotta go to work", What are you going to do if your boss ask you to write something that is a lie on some kind of work paper? Will you quite? Those are just a few examples but you get the idea.

Relevant verses:Train up a child in the way he should go verse (Pro 22:6), work with your own hands verse (1thes 4:11), and Be ye not servents of men verse (1Cor 7:23).

17. Wastes Time
Okay so now that I covered the flaws in the public schools system's teaching in regard to the subject matter and how the material is presented, this brings me to my next point. As Christians we are taught to Redeem the time (Eph 5:16, Col 4:5). Our life is as a vapor (Jam 4:14), your children are usually under your close supervision and care for a few decades, this time needs to be used wisely in order to mold them into the Godly seed that the Lord desires (Mal 2:15). 

18. What is the Motivation for Public Schooling?
So what is a parents primary motivation for sending their kid to a public school instead of raising the child themselves? It's simple, it is Easier and more convenient than homeschool. School district receives funding for each child it teaches. Parents considering homeschooling are pressured into caving in by the ease of not having to have all your children's records, finding curriculum, plus their kid gets a free laptop or tablet in some cases. Remember it's the wicked that take gifts to pervert judgment (Prov 17:23).

19. Bullying
In this section I want to bring up bullying. Now I understand that probably not every kid that goes to school gets bullied but it does happen quite often to some kids. Not only can bullies physically threaten the safety of children via fights but many times they will verbally abuse their victims which can cause phycological damage that has the potential to last for decades (Pro 18:21).
Father's are obligated by scripture to provide for their children (1Tim5:8), I believe this encompeses protection from physical and verbal abuse as well.

20. Successful and/or Influential People who Flunked School
For my final point I just wanted to listed some famous and/or Successful people who dropped out of high school. Feel free to check out the link below for ninety more people.
  • Abe Lincoln
  • Andrew Jackson
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Bill Gates
  • Dave Thomas
  • Colonel Harlan Sanders
  • David Geffen
  • David Karp
  • Dean Kamen
  • Debbi Fields
  • Henry Ford
  • John Mackey
  • Mary Kay Ash
  • Milton Hershey
  • Thomas Edison


To sum up this article let me just quote from the following Author
“Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual, not a conformist; it should furnish you with an original spirit with which to tackle the big challenges; it should allow you to find values which will be your roadmap through life; it should make you spiritually rich, a person who loves whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whomever you are with; it should teach you what is important, how to live and how to die.”
John Taylor Gattoo, Dumbing us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling


Youtube Video: 6 Problems with our School System

Seth Godin on Education

105 Successful dropouts

YouTube: Voddie Baucham- Homeschooling How and Why

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