Welcome to part six of the health suggestion series, for today's topic I will be covering the problem of prescription drugs and under the counter "medication". So why is this such an important subject; well according to a bing search that I conducted while writing this article 131 Americans use prescription drugs. That is around 66% of adults, making this subject highly relevant for today. Although I haven't researched it, I'd say that many professing Christians also take pharmaceuticals, this just going by people that I know. Many people would probably say that I'm crazy, mistaken, or just plain wrong for condemning the act of taking pharmacy drugs. But am I? The bible tells us to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - King James Bible -
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Friday, January 3, 2025
New Book & Special Offer
Book Summary
Romans 12:2
Y’know what’s one of the leading problems in the world today. People don’t know or care to know what God’s will is for their life. God’s has designed each one of us for a purpose and a role in society. When these roles are adhered to, the world is better off as a whole, when they are ignored communities suffer as a result. This book is designed to help one understand what his or her role is in society according to the Christian scriptures, as well as cover some misconceptions or false beliefs about gender as a whole. What is covered in this publication?