Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bible Verses 2 Available Now.


Good morning/afternoon/evening my viewers. Whichever time of day you find yourself in. In this post I just wanted to share my 4th book title. This will be my final book for the year. Here is the product description for those who are interested.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Answering Alleged Bible Contradictions and Exposing Bible Corruptions


Hello everyone. I hope that you all are doing well. In this article I will be sharing my latest book release titled "Answering Alleged Bible Contradictions and Exposing Bible Corruptions". Here is the book description followed by a link to where you can get your copy, if interested. 

2 Corinthians 2:17

Have you ever heard a skeptic say “the bible has many contradictions”? If so, it can be a real faith shaker if you are a newborn in the faith or are not super familiar with the word of God. Not to fear, Addressing Alleged Bible Contradictions & Exposing Bible Corruptions “ by author Justin Horn tackles hundreds of supposed bible contradictions as well as covers many legitimate translation problems. There are two issues, not one, that is dealt with in this short book. The other issue that is dealt with (besides supposed contradictions) is the bible version issue. Which is the best English bible to read for today? The answer is discovered by listing many problematic verses in the more recent English translations and paraphrases. What you get in this book.

  • A short assessment as to why we can trust the word of God (the introduction).

  • Answering 330+ supposed bible contradictions (Verses included).

  • A very brief overview of the bible version issue.

  • Covers 400+ Bible verses in regards to the Bible version issue, divided into 3 categories; minor variations, KJV bonuses, and worst corruptions (verses not necessarily included).

So if your ready to deepen your understanding of God’s word and at the same time exercise your discernment on which bible translations you trust, then grab a copy of this excellent resource too!


Friday, July 19, 2024

Health Suggestion Guide pt 4 of 10

Hello again viewers, and thanks again for checkin' in. For this section of my health suggestion we will be wrapping up the remainder of our food additives to avoid study. Again, I'm not a doctor so don't take this as medical device (yada, yada, yada). No that that is outta the way lets look at another list of bad ingredients.

Ingredient Name         Health affect            Found In

  1. MSG- Numbness, Headaches, Sweating, Found in Canned goods, and frozen Entrees.
  2. Magnesium sulphate- Causes cancer in Lab animals, Tofu
  3. Norbixin- Asthma, and Hyperactivity in kids. Food coloring.
  4. Olestra- Digestive problems and heart disease, found in snacks.
  5. Orange B- Can cause issues with liver and bile duct, hot dog casings
  6. Polysorbate 60- Cancer in animals, baked goods.
  7. Potassium Bromate- Cancer risk, Check your bread.
  8. Propylene glycol- It's Antifreeze, Dairy products and Salad dressing.
  9. Propyl Paraben- Reproductive damage and well as developmental harm, pastries, tortillas.
  10. Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone- May lead to cancer, Milk.
  11. Red #'s 2,3,40- Cancer, packaged food.
  12. Saccharin- Cancer risk, Artificial Sweetner
  13. Sodium Benzoate- Hyperactivity in kids, potential trigger for ADHD, Pickles, fizz drinks, Salad Dressing.
  14. Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose- Cancer risk, Salad Dressing.
  15. Sodium Nitrite- Cancer, Processed Meat such as hotdogs and pepperoni.
  16. Sucralose- Swells the kidneys and the liver, an artificial sweetner.
  17. Tert butylhydroquinone-Fish preservative, stomach tumors.
  18. Titanium Dioxide- Could Damage DNA, found in sweets.
  19. Xantham Gum- Possible digestive upset, Gluten free baked goods.
  20. Yellow #5 and #6- Cancer risk, Found in Desserts and Candy too.

Friday, June 7, 2024

An Overwhelming Case For The Christian Worldview


Well hello again viewers! I am glad to announce that I have a new book release called "An Overwhelming Case For The Christian Worldview.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Bible Verses For Born-Again Believers Vol. 1


Hello viewers, it turns out I just released my book a few days ago and I'd thought that I would give ya'll the opportunity to get yer copy! Here is what's on the back cover of a physical copy, otherwise known as the product description. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Justin's Health Suggestion Guide pt 3 of 10


Hello again dear readers. In this post we are going to be covering part 3 of my health suggestion guide. By listing these additives that food companies put in our products I hope to show the reader that big corporations don't really care about our health. They care about money. Whether they are intentionally trying to destroy us or if it's just negligence on a massive scale, I will let the reader decide. The FDA is to blame as well as whoever else is in charge of causing these ingredients to be added to our food. Of coarse we cannot put ALL the blame on food companies and the governmental agencies that are in charge of what goes in our food. After all we are the ones who decide what goes in our mouths. We are partially to blame for the poisoning of the food supply because we are the one's who buy their products. If everyone refusing to buy junk food, then there would be no more junk food. Sadly, we live in a fallen world (for now) and I highly doubt that anything is gonna put an end to these evil money hungry food companies until the Lord's retrun. Anyway here are 20 food additives that make us sick. (20 more to come by June (Jesus willin). Oh, and by the way this list will be far from exhaustive.

These dangerous additives are arranged alphabetically. A through H this month.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Just an Update

 Just Letting ya'll know my next post on health suggestions should be out by next Friday. 

Till then why not check out my instagram page. It is loaded with the same kind of content that I post here. It is listed third down on my links on the side column.