Sunday, March 18, 2018

Proving God exists - by 3 Superdogs

Today I wish to go over what I believe is a very strong argument for the existence of God. I think this is a very important topic to go over because millions of children today are being brought up through our school systems; and they are teaching the kids to not fear the Lord with their evolution theory.

First of all we know that time itself cannot be eternal, because if time was eternal there would be an infinite of past time before this moment. That wouldn't be possible for infinite is endless. If there was an endless amount of past time before right now we would never reach this particular instance in time. Allow me to explain just as u can't reach the end of the line 0____oo you cant reach oo_____0. (0=right now and oo=eternity).

The question then arises, why is there something instead of nothing? You have only 3 choices 1. Either something came from nothing, as many evolutionist believe 2. There was an infinite amount of previous causes or 3. An un-caused cause (God) exist. Since the first two notions are impossible, we know that an un-caused cause exist. The uncaused Cause isn't bound by time, because of this it's also space-less and immaterial.

Einsteins theory of relativity confirms matter, space, time are co-dependent. Since the cause of the universe is timeless it's is also changeless. But if it's changeless, how can it bring forth anything into existence? For example... if a non personal object such as a chair happened to be in a changeless eternal state then how could it create anything? The only way something in  a timeless and changeless state could give rise to anything is if it were a decision maker.

The Cause of the universe must also be personal, how else would a timeless cause give rise to an effect that's temporal.  Here is a quote from the video "If the cause were a mechanically operating set of necessary and sufficient conditions then the cause could never exist without the effect." He goes on to give an example, "If the temperature were below 32  degrees f from eternity past then any water that was around would be frozen from eternity. It would be impossible for the water to begin to freeze just a finite time ago."

You can see then how if the cause was timelessly present the effect would be to. The only way that you can get the cause to be timeless and the effect to begin in time is if the cause could choose to create the effect in time. The first Cause must be non-contingent because if it was contingent then it's non-existence is possible. Therefore one non-contingent being must exists for anything  at all to exist.

In conclusion we can see that a personal, omnipotent, conscious being is the only logical cause for the universe.

Thanks for reading. Please Share!!!

The Information in this article is thanks to the following video.

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