Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Health Suggestion Guide Part 5 of 10


Hello again viewers, it is time that I continue my series on Health Suggestions. In this post I will be mentioning Home/Natural remedies for various ailments. There is no profit to be made by treating your sickness with natural remedies, which is why the medical industry hates for this information to get out. A customer made well is a customer lost to hospitals. Instead they would rather string you along for years or even decades with pharmaceuticals treating symptoms of disease without ever addressing the cause, therefore you get sicker and sicker and are ever dependent on them. 

Now to avoid getting sued for practicing medicine without a license, I will go ahead and say these for the sole reason to appease the medical industry; "the information in this article is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease", even though I personally believe these home remedies are effective. Also please note that just because I list a link to another website it doesn't mean that I agree with everything that website endorses, I would never recommend practicing yoga, transcendental meditation, acupuncture, or any martial art that teaches one must master their chi.

As a Christian, I am commanded to love my neighbor as myself, therefore I cannot stand Idly by and ignore the fact that the food and drug industry is poisoning the American population. This series is made to help people make informed decisions about what they are putting into their body, and hopefully will aid to live a better and healthier life. Now I will not be providing some huge gargantuan catch all list for every disease out there, that is not the point of this article. The point I want to make here is that there are natural ways to improve your health and that we do not have to rely on doctors to make us well. In my opinion doctors should only be consulted when your trying to diagnose a disease, or need an emergency surgery; other than that there is really no good reason to see them. With all that said here are forty home remedies for various ailments.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

6 Ways Good Intentions Harm People

 Well Hello There. I hope you are doing well. In this post we will be looking at ten ways that parents unintentionally harm their children. I'm sure that many folks think that they are raising their kids right; after all most men will proclaim their own goodness (Proverbs), however how many parents do you think are doing a good job in God's sight. Sometimes people are misguided and do things that actually harm their kids, even when the parents think they are helping them. I believe this post will be important because God doesn't just want us to reproduce, he desires Godly Seed (Malachi). Without further ado, let;s take a look at these examples.

1. Public Schools

One of the most common ways that Christian parents sin against their children is by delegating their upbringing to the public school system. Many parents simply do not want to put in the time to raise their own kids. This is a sin of neglect that harms the children mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. There are dozens of reasons not to send your kid to public school but none of those reasons will convince a parent that is dead set on abandoning their child to the government. I will put a link below that goes into specifically many of the ways public schools harm children, you may also want to check out the book "dumbing us down" by John Taylor Gatto.


Friday, October 18, 2024

YouTube Ministry

Well hello again, for this post I want to show a sample of the kind of content that you can find on my Tik tok (scripturehoarder) and YouTube channel; and really that's about it. Here are seven categories of video's you can expect to find on said accounts, and they are...

Creation Science

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bible Verses 2 Available Now.


Good morning/afternoon/evening my viewers. Whichever time of day you find yourself in. In this post I just wanted to share my 4th book title. This will be my final book for the year. Here is the product description for those who are interested.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Answering Alleged Bible Contradictions and Exposing Bible Corruptions


Hello everyone. I hope that you all are doing well. In this article I will be sharing my latest book release titled "Answering Alleged Bible Contradictions and Exposing Bible Corruptions". Here is the book description followed by a link to where you can get your copy, if interested. 

2 Corinthians 2:17

Have you ever heard a skeptic say “the bible has many contradictions”? If so, it can be a real faith shaker if you are a newborn in the faith or are not super familiar with the word of God. Not to fear, Addressing Alleged Bible Contradictions & Exposing Bible Corruptions “ by author Justin Horn tackles hundreds of supposed bible contradictions as well as covers many legitimate translation problems. There are two issues, not one, that is dealt with in this short book. The other issue that is dealt with (besides supposed contradictions) is the bible version issue. Which is the best English bible to read for today? The answer is discovered by listing many problematic verses in the more recent English translations and paraphrases. What you get in this book.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Health Suggestion Guide pt 4 of 10

Hello again viewers, and thanks again for checkin' in. For this section of my health suggestion we will be wrapping up the remainder of our food additives to avoid study. Again, I'm not a doctor so don't take this as medical device (yada, yada, yada). No that that is outta the way lets look at another list of bad ingredients.

Ingredient Name         Health affect            Found In

Friday, June 7, 2024

An Overwhelming Case For The Christian Worldview


Well hello again viewers! I am glad to announce that I have a new book release called "An Overwhelming Case For The Christian Worldview.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Bible Verses For Born-Again Believers Vol. 1


Hello viewers, it turns out I just released my book a few days ago and I'd thought that I would give ya'll the opportunity to get yer copy! Here is what's on the back cover of a physical copy, otherwise known as the product description. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Justin's Health Suggestion Guide pt 3 of 10


Hello again dear readers. In this post we are going to be covering part 3 of my health suggestion guide. By listing these additives that food companies put in our products I hope to show the reader that big corporations don't really care about our health. They care about money. Whether they are intentionally trying to destroy us or if it's just negligence on a massive scale, I will let the reader decide. The FDA is to blame as well as whoever else is in charge of causing these ingredients to be added to our food. Of coarse we cannot put ALL the blame on food companies and the governmental agencies that are in charge of what goes in our food. After all we are the ones who decide what goes in our mouths. We are partially to blame for the poisoning of the food supply because we are the one's who buy their products. If everyone refusing to buy junk food, then there would be no more junk food. Sadly, we live in a fallen world (for now) and I highly doubt that anything is gonna put an end to these evil money hungry food companies until the Lord's retrun. Anyway here are 20 food additives that make us sick. (20 more to come by June (Jesus willin). Oh, and by the way this list will be far from exhaustive.

These dangerous additives are arranged alphabetically. A through H this month.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Just an Update

 Just Letting ya'll know my next post on health suggestions should be out by next Friday. 

Till then why not check out my instagram page. It is loaded with the same kind of content that I post here. It is listed third down on my links on the side column.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Justin's Health Suggestion Guide Pt 2 of 10

 Good morning! Or whatever time of day you happen to find yourself in. I'm so glad and thankful You've decided to stop by. In this article I will be continuing my list of health suggestions (please remember that I'm not a doctor so do your own research). Again I say that just in case some Medical establishment wanted to sue me or cause trouble or something. This post will not be super long as I am trying to focus much of my attention of a great work. I'll let you in on the details of which sometime around summer (Jesus willing). Originally, I was going to do 20 tips for this article, however this time I'm only going to list 15, but for the remaining articles for my Health suggestion guide, I will do 20 tips though. I may end up doing parts 6-10 of this study in 2025, if the Lord wills. If you like more content, I should be adding to my youtube channel again by summer.

Now, to continue the the Nutrient list from last time.

  • Benefits of Good Nutrition (Vitamins & Minerals) pt2
Vitamin/Mineral Name       Vitamin/Mineral Health Benefits            Found In What?

21. Vitamin E- Brain/Blood/Skin Health, also antioxidant. Found in almonds, dairy, and olive oil.

22. Vitamin K- Blood Clotting as well as Bone & Heart Health. Cheese and Beef Liver.

23. Potassium-Deficiency may lead to stroke, Cancer, Infertility, and more. Bananas, Milk, Potatoes.

24. Chloride- Chloride toxicity may cause fatigue, Muscle weakness or high blood pressure. Hotdogs, Chips, Ketchup. 

25.Calcium- Heart/Bone/Nerve Health. Milk, Yogurt, Kale, Broccoli and cheese.

26. Molybdenum- It's part of 4 Enzymes that break down toxins and proteins. Milk, Yogurt.

27. Sulfur- Skin, Ligament, and Tendon health, builds and repairs DNA. Nuts, seeds, turkey, chicken.

28.Phosphorus-has an important part in gene transcription and enzyme activation. Yogurt, salmon, Mozzarella.

29. Nickel- A component of certain enzymes, may increase iron absorption. Chocolate, oats, Legumes.

30. Tungsten- Tungsten's role in the body and it's importance is still being researched.

31. Gallium- Stimulates Metabolism, needed for metalloenzyme activity, possible anti-cancer properties. ???

32. Zirconium- What it does for the body is unknown, found in meats, nuts, grains, and Vegetables.

33. Strontium- May improve bone health, mostly from seafood, but also in mean, and root vegetables.

34. Bismuth- Used to treat/prevent stomach ulcers, indigestion, and diarrhea. Bismuth Salt Supplements.

35. Cobalt- used to maintain the nervous system, also used to treat anemia. (see Vitamin B-12)


Vitamin E 

Vitamin K2














Thursday, February 1, 2024

What the bible says about Colors


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to y'all. In today's article we are going to be looking at some bible verses as they pertain to colors; the colors of the rainbow in particular. What does each color signify?

Most of this information was gathered from the Youtube Video "Ex-gay Reveals the Real Meaning of the Rainbow|Mind-blown!!|LED live" (please note: by making this article it doesn't mean I endorse or promote everything LED live teaches.). The contents of this article (a couple or few color meanings) may differ from than the colors presented in the video.

There are Seven Colors of the Rainbow, not six as seen on the pride flag. 
Let's go ahead and get into it.

Primary Colors

1. Red- Jesus, Redemption, Forgiveness, Blood of the Lamb
2 kings 3:22, Col 1:14, 1 Joh 1:7

2. Blue- The Father, the throne of God, The Law and Commandments
Exo 24:10, Numbers 15:38-40, Ezek 10:1

3. Yellow- Reminds us of the Holy Spirit, and therefore His attributes of Love, Truth, Comfort
Psa 68:13, Mat 3:16, John 14:26, John16:13

Secondary Colors

4. Green- Trust, Mercy, Peace, Tranquility
Psa 23:2, Psa 52:8

5. Purple- Royalty, Our Inheritance, Protection
Esther 8:15, John 19:2, 1 Peter 2:9

6. Orange (Amber)- Fire, Light, Faith, Praise, Glory, Honour, 
Ezek 1:27, 8:2, Zec 13:9, Luke 3:16, 1 Pet 1:7

Other Colors

7. Indigo- Unlike the previous colors indigo is not a mix of two primary colors but a primary and a secondary color. The word indigo is not in scripture. Although we can find the recipe for indigo in some bible verses in Exodus; Blue plus Purple. The man in the video claims this color means sanctification. The words blue and purple are used in the making of the old testament tabernacle, the breastplate, and the robes of service.
Exodus 26:1, Exodus 28:15, and 39:1

8. Brown- We get this color when we add the first six colors together, they represent man. (Although not a color of the rainbow.
Gen 2:7, 3:19

Thus concludes our study on Colors, I hope it was a blessing. Thanks for reading, Please share.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Justin's Health Suggestion Guide Part 1 of 10 updated


Hello again Dear Readers in today's post I will beginning a ten part series that will cover some advice to improve your health. Note: I'm not a doctor, so whatever I am going to say in this series is "not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, and or cure any disease". (just covering my butt in case the medical establishment wants to sue) 😒. Each segment I will give many tips to increase your personal wellness. The last segment will be a summery/Conclusion page that will wrap it up. *This is my plan for post for the following year, although I may make more post than this in 2024.

*Update: due to another big project that I'm currently engaged in, I cannot promise this ten part series will be complete by the end of 2024, although it may still.

The categories I desire to cover are as follows:

  • Benefits of Good Nutrition (Vitamins & Minerals)
  • Benefits of Good Nutrition (Vitamins & Minerals) pt2
  • Drawbacks of Processed Foods (Toxins and Processing)
  • Drawbacks of Processed Foods (Toxins and Processing) pt2
  • Home/Natural Remedies
  • Dangers of Drugs (pharma)
  • Environmental Hazards
  • Dangers In the Home (Household supplies)
  • Miscellaneous (Exercise, Sleep, Mental, and spiritual health, ect).

What Follows is the Name, Benefit of, and Location of 20 Vitamins and Minerals. Please note that I am not going to list every benefit and food of these nutrients; I am going to leave it to the reader to do follow up research on these nutrients if they want more information.