Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Today I'm going to cover the topic known as Antibiotic Resistant bacteria or other wise known as Bacteria that have evolved to become immune to certain drugs.

Now regarding the many strains of bacteria allegedly "evolving" resistance to antibiotics, the truth is that antibiotic resistant bacteria have been around long before the discovery of antibiotics in 1929. In the mid 1800's a British arctic exploration voyage sailed into Canada's Arctic ocean but the ships became ice bound and all of the crew died, some of which were buried in permafrost that preserved them. This is were things get interesting, the bacteria found in their gut was resistant to modern antibiotics.

Additionally the bacteria found in the feces of an isolated tribe in south america were resistant to modern and sythetic antibiotics even though the people never took antibiotics. All that antibiotics do is just kill the non resistant bacteria, which then leaves behind the ones who are resistant. This is a loss of information, not a gain.

So in conclusion we have another piece of evidence that shows that the bible is true and that debunks molecules to man evolution.

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Info from Genesis week season 4 Episode 19

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