Friday, September 18, 2020

The Sexual Depravity of Islam (updated)*

For this article I am going to list three ways that the prophet Muhammad or the relgion of Islam demonstrates is sexual perversion. Now I won't be discussing things such as Mutah (temporary marriage/prostitution), the fact that Muhammad slept with 9 year old Aisha, or the fact that Islam endorses polygamy as these are discussed in my main critique of Islam article. Instead I will be covering information that I previously havn't wrote about before. WARNING: this article shouldn't be read by anyone under 18 due to some sexually graphic language. I apologize in advance for the explicit language that is contained in this article but is needed to make a point.  With that stated let's begin.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Why Capitalism is Unbiblical

In this article I am going to show as to why I believe that Capitalism is not the biblical economic modal. Before anyone assumes that just because I am against capitalism that I must be for Communism/Socialism let me just direct you to my anti-Socialism article here. My point is there are other economic modals other than Socialism or Capitalism. For this article I am going to be covering about thirty biblical arguments as to why Capitalism should be abandoned for the biblical modal of economics. Let's get started.