Monday, September 27, 2021

50 reasons why I must take a Stand against this Covid regime.


1. Churches shut down last year while Abortion clinics and liquor stores were allowed to stay open because they provided "essential services". 

2. 1200 medical professionals signed a letter defending the riots and race protests lasts year arguing that racism is more deadly than Covid, therefore it was a healthy thing to do.

3. The same week the Biden administration announced the vaccine mandate Jen Psaki acknowledge that the immagrants pouring into our boarder did NOT need to be vaccinated. When asked why she said That's correct with no further explanation. 

4. In July 2020 a Las Vegas court refused to hear a local churches case about unfair covide rules which allowed casino's to operate at half capacity but church could not exceed 50 people.

5. If a church wants to meet at certain locations in prince william county they must obtain a liquor liscense.

6. Here is 50 incidences of....

7. University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Director Michael Osterholm said cloth or paper masks don't work to stop the spread of the disease.


9. Here is some information I found from an anymonious poll on my Gab phone app ..user CVV (covid vaccine victims)