Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Church of the Universe

Today I will be covering briefly a little known religion call the Church of the Universe.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Amazing Discoveries of Ancient Technology

Today I am going over some fascinating discoveries that refute the idea that ancient man were big o'l dumb cave men with small brains. I will also go over some evidence that refute the idea that rock layers are millions of years old.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Food additives to really avoid

Today I am going to go over some things the food industry puts in our food that I think would be a good idea to stay away from. I recommend always checking the ingredients on the food label before you buy something.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Today I'm going to cover the topic known as Antibiotic Resistant bacteria or other wise known as Bacteria that have evolved to become immune to certain drugs.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Unreliability of "scientific" Dating Methods

Today I feel like going over the Unreliability of the dating method's Evolutionist use to come up with the ages for various rocks and fossils. Below is a chart which shows two different locations in which these dating methods took place, the second of which has multiple kinds of dating methods

Friday, August 3, 2018

The Biblical Understanding of Forgiveness (Updated)

Today I'm going to do a post on forgiveness, to be more specific when are we as Christians are supposed to forgive, and how often are we to forgive others. I have updated this post and divided it up into two sections. The first is a case for conditional forgiveness based on the repentance of the person who is to be forgiven. This is how I used to view forgiveness, and have taught such. I apologize to my viewers for this error and ask for your forgiveness.  In the newer second section I want to show the reader why I believe why it's important and even necessary to forgive those who do not repent of the wrongs they have done to you.