Sunday, August 19, 2018

Food additives to really avoid

Today I am going to go over some things the food industry puts in our food that I think would be a good idea to stay away from. I recommend always checking the ingredients on the food label before you buy something.

1. Aspartame- A few of 90 symptoms include: Headache, Seizures, Weight gain, Vision problems, Memory loss, Breathing difficulties, Joint pain, Hearing loss, Loss of tastes. Some chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by it, Including: Diabetes, Brain Tumors, and Multiple Sclerosis. It turns to Methyl Alcohol into Formaldehyde in humans, not in animals. They turn it to formic acid; which is harmless.

2. Hydrogenated Oils- Start out healthy unrefined oil. After they process it, it is one molecule away from being Plastic; which in turn thickens your blood, causing your heart to work harder. ( High Blood Pressure, it scars your arteries).

3. High Fructose Corn Syrup- Contributes to fat deposits in your liver, increasing build up of Lipo-proteins and Plaque build up and narrowing of Blood Vessels. It worsens Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Immune System Damage, speeds up Aging and Mercury Poisons.

4. Salt (non Sea-Salt)- Contains sand/glass in it; which cuts/scars your Arteries.

5. MSG (Mono-Sodium Glutamate)- Diseases which may be caused by MSG are: Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and High Blood Pressure.

6. Pesticides- Can cause health problems such as: Birth Defects, Nerve Damage, Cancer, and other effects that might occur over a long period of time.

7.Prescription Drugs- Kills 783,936 people a year as of March 2013.

8.Growth Hormones- Used in Beef industry to enhance weight gain and milk production in cattle, mimics the hormone Estrogen. Some studies show that additional Estrogen can cause a feminizing effect on males showing: Lowered Sperm Counts and Abnormal Sexual Development. Increased risk of Breast Cancer in women.

9. Cured Meat- 1. Increases risk of Cancer from the added Nitrates.

 2. Botulism can occur in Salted Meat.

10. Natural Flavors- MSG, Bugs, Aspartame are all considered "Natural Flavors and colors". Could be eating a Pig ,Cow, Turkey, Lamb, Chicken, that was given Growth Hormones, fed GMO or Pesticide Corn/Grain, given Antibiotics due to infection and disease from living in confined quarters on slates covered in Feces.

11. Beef Products INC. Uses Ammonia as a processing agent in their Ground Beef and doesn't have to be listed as an ingredient on labeling. National School Lunch Program uses their Beef and is 10- 15% treated. Ammonia causes severe irritation to the Eyes, Nose, Throat, and Lungs and exposure can be fatal.

12. Sugar- Contains no Essential Nutrients, bad for your Teeth, causes Insulin Resistance which is believed to cause: Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, etc. Evidence that it causes Heart Disease and Cancer and it is Addictive.

13. Fluoride in tap water- In about 75% of nation's Drinking water. The U.S. is one of the few remaining countries that does this. There is not a single body process that requires Fluoride therefore it is a Contaminant. Interferes with a Pineal Gland of the Brain may be linked to Alzheimer. Ingesting Fluoride damages soft tissues ( Brain, Kidneys, Endocrine System as well as Teeth and Bones

In Conclusion we should really be paying attention to the stuff we are putting into our bodies, we shouldn't expect to be healthy if all we eat is junk food.

Thanks for Reading please Share !!!

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