Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Study on Good Fruit and Christian Behavior

For today's bible study topic I will be covering what the New Testament tells us about good works and/or fruit. I will also be covering some of what the bible teaches on how a christian is to conduct him/herself by words, actions and even the proper attitude. Let's get started.

What the Bible has to Say about Good Fruit/Works

Allow me to start off by saying that works do not save a Christian, that only comes by God's grace through faith (Rom 11:6 Eph 2:8-10). This does not mean however that a true born again Christian will be absent of good works, because even the devils have that kind of faith and it does them no good (Jam 2:17-20). All you have to do is look around our culture and you will see many who profess to know God and yet their actions show otherwise 
(Tit 1:16).

The bible instructs those that are rich in this world to be rich in good works, and if you check the gospel of Luke you will find one of Jesus' parables that tell of the dire consequence for the rich man who desired to hoard his fruits (1Ti 6:17-19, Luk 12:15-21). To whom much is given much shall be required (Luk 12:48). 

We can see the importance of maintaining good works by reading Tit 3:8 and Tit 3:14, this is because it is profitable to do so and so that  we won't be unfruitful. We should also be thinking of other's welfare and provoke them to do good works also (Heb 10:24). 

Another thing to note is that  we see time and again in the gospels that those "trees" that do not bear good fruit are cast into the fire (Mat 3:10, Mat 7:17-19, Mat 12:33, Luk 3:9, Luk 6:43-45, Joh 15:1-6, Heb 6:7-8), so we see that good works are what distinguish the save from the  lost. We can know the tree by it's fruit, whether it is good or evil; for a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. The bible is also clear that not every  believer  brings forth the same amount of fruit but some brings forth thirty fold, another sixty, and some a hundred (Mar 4:8, Mar 4:20). 

See also: Mat 5:16, Act 9:36, Tit 2:14, 1Pet 2:12

Concerning How to Speak

So what does scripture say we as christians are to talk? Well, we shouldn't murmur (1Co 10:10),  we should however covet to prophesy and not forbid someone from speaking in tongues
(1Co 14:39). We should also use our words to comfort and edify others (1Th 5:11).  This doesn't mean though that we should be afraid to warn the unruly (1Th 5:14), or to rebuke those that sin (1Tim 5:20). It is also wise to be slow to speak (Jas 1:19).

See also 1Ti 3:8

How to Treat Others

Now that we covered how to talk the talk, let's go over how to walk the walk. Rom 12:13 shows us that we are to be hospitable, and to distribute to saints in need. Rom 12:19 and 1Th 5:15 shows us that we shouldn't try to get even with those that wrong us but instead let God handle it.  Christians are to love one another and shouldn't be indebted to others (Rom 13:8).

When the opportunity arises we should be doing good to everyone and especially fellow believers (Gal 6:10). Christian's are also called to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving as well (Eph 4:32).  The age old commandment to honor one's parents is still to be upheld today (Eph 6:2), and dad's are told not to provoke their kids to anger in Col 3:21.

Other christian actions include taking care of (providing for) your family (1Ti 5:8), lodging strangers and relieving the afflicted
(1Ti 5:10), additionally we are told to be compassionate, pitiful, and courteous (1Pe 3:8).

See also: Rom 15:14, Eph 5:21, 1Jn 4:12

A Look at Christian Attitude

Now it's time to look at the proper behavior for a Christian.
One of the distinguishing attributes of a Christian that separates us from the world is that we glory in tribulations (Rom 5:3), we arn't to have that woe is me attitude when hard times come. This is because we know good is working it for our good.

Christian's are led by God's Spirit and strive to follow Him rather than their flesh (Rom 8:12-14). In other words, we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice for him (Rom 12:1). Another characteristic of a true christian is that they abhor evil (Rom 12:9), they do not love sin! They submit to those who are in authority too (Rom 13:1).

The bible teaches the importance of  charity in the life of a believer to have charity means that you don't envy, seek your own, or behave unseemly to list just a few things (1Co 13:4-6). Another  mark of a true christian is how they handle adversity. It's true that we will all face stress and hardships in our life but it's how we handle them that really matters, check out 2Co 6:3-7 for more info on this.    

So what are the fruits of a Spirit filled believer? The bible teaches that they are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (Gal 5:22 -23). While the world enjoy's their rock music, Christian's enjoy spiritual songs as well as psalms/hymns (Eph 5:19 -20). 

Christians are humble, they don't trust in their own righteousness (Php 3:9). The bible teaches us to always be rejoicing (Php 4:4, 1Th 5:16).  We think on things that are pure, just, honest, etc (Php 4:8). Christians know to be content no matter their circumstances
(Php 4:11).

A christian's affections arn't centered on the things of this world but rather on things above (Col 3:2). In 1Ti 2:9 we see that Christian woman are to dress modestly. One of the many blessing not to be taken for granted is that the Lord gives us a  sound mind as stated in 2Ti 1:7. While christians do cast their cares on Jesus, this doesn't mean that we aren't to be vigilent and sober (1Th 5:6, Tit 2:2, 1Pe 5:7 -8).

See also: 2Co 7:1, Col 3:12, Col 3:23, 2Pe 3:14

Reasons Why we Should Study

The last part that I'm going to cover today is why Christians should study their bibles. The first reason I list is because we are told to (2Ti 2:15). The next reason is because the servant of the lord is told to be apt to teach (2Ti 2:24), how can he do this without learning the scriptures?

2Ti 3:16-17 shows us that studying the scriptures enables us to be perfect and furnishes us to do good works. 
2Ti 4:2 says to preach the word and to be instant in season and out of season. Plus wouldn't we have to know the doctrine before we can reprove, rebuke and exhort with it?

See also: 1Pe 5:2, 2Pe 1:5

So in conclusion we see that although we are saved by grace this doesn't mean that our faith won't be accompanied by good fruit, as good fruit is the evidence of saving faith. As Christians let us examine ourselves to see whether our thoughts, words, and actions line up with the  word of God, so that we may know that we are indeed in the faith (2 Cor 13:5).

Thanks for Reading!!! Please Share !!!

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