Friday, September 13, 2019

Do Aliens Exist?

Today's article is about whether or not extraterrestrial beings exist. I find that this topic can be quite important to study because NASA uses billions of dollars in order to fund space exploration and one of the things they are doing with it is searching for extraterrestrial life.

Once strange cult out there is called the Raelians. Their cult leader is named Rael, he claims aliens told him they designed life on earth. Of course his followers think he is the messiah. Similarily Francis Crick finder of the DNA molecule says aliens made it. So even these people believe in intelligent design, but say aliens mad us instead of God. Well, who made the aliens? You see aliens would be a created being and therefore had a beginning and thus need a cause, God however wouldn't because he lacks a beginning.

Here are a few facts about UFO's. No two UFO's have ever been seen alike, we don't see them entering our atmosphere from outer space, they have been known to morph  or change shape, and during alledged cases of abductions, aliens are claimed to have walked through ceilings and walls.

Why Aliens Couldn't Travel Here From Other Worlds

Lets take a moment to look at some scientific problems that would arise if an alien tried to reach earth from another world. One problem is the vast distance of our galaxy, it takes 100,000 years moving at the speed of light just to cross it. Another problem is the amount of energy it would require. It would take the energy of 98 atom bombs in order to accelerate a 500 gram ball to only half the speed of light. Going this fast it would still take 4 million years to reach Andromeda, which is our closest galaxy.

There's another issue one must consider when traveling in space, moving at just one tenth of the speed of light dust particles in space would have an impact of 10 tonnes of TNT. An object the size of a pea could produce kinetic energy equivalent of 2.2 atom bombs. To add to the problem there is supposedly 100,000 dust particles per 1 km3 in space.

The next problem we will look at is the force of gravity. It turns out that changing directions at 9 G's can kill an air force pilot, if you had to change directions at C (speed of light) this would exert millions of G's on the space travelers. Then there's cosmic radiation, prolonged exposure is fatal and moving at c would  increase exposure enormously. The last problem we will look at is that is has been theorized that as you approach the speed of light your mass would become infinite.

What About Abduction Cases?

So I have shown through physics the unlikelihood of aliens arriving from another world. To counteract this argument The Interdimensional Hypothesis was created. This hypothesis simply states that the aliens come from other dimensions and have bodies different than our own.

Let me take a moment to describe the Classic Abduction Syndrome otherwise known as (CAS). It consist of eight parts which include the Capture, this usually occurs at night while the victim is driving a car or is at home. Then there's an Examination which is often done in a crude way. Abductees also speak of a Conference that is  telepathic or describes future events. It also can consist of a Tour of the ship, other worldly Journeys, what's called a theopany or meeting a "divine" being. Then the person Returns after being told to forget their experiences. In the Aftermath they have no recollection of the event but instead show symptoms of being messed with.

What follows are quotes from various people concerning Alien Abductions.

Donna Higbee

"I noticed a drastic the attitudes of several of the abductees from one meeting to the next. People who had been traumatized all their lives by ongoing abductions and had only anger and mistrust for their non human abductors suddenly started saying they had been told/shown that everything that has happened to them was for their own good that the abductors are highly spiritual beings and are helping them (the abductees) to evolve spiritually." "By accepting this information, the abductees stopped fighting abduction and instead became passive and controlled. When I Checked with other researchers, I found that this was a pattern that was repeating itself over and over again around the country. I became concerned that abductees were accepting these explanations from entities that we know can be deceitful...." 

Lynn Cato senior bibliographer Library of Congress

" A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomenon (sic) like poltergeist manifestations and possession." "Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomenon....."

John keel

"victims of demonomania (possession) suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as UFO the contactees."

It is also an interesting side note that Christians are Immune to alien encounters. There also has been over 400 encounters where this phenomena was stopped by the name of Jesus.

Evidences Against Darwinian Evolution

In the next part of this study I will present evidence that strongly refutes Darwinism. This is relevant to our current study because UFO's/Aliens are based on evolutionary principle. Why is this? Because the basic understanding according to evolutionary theory is if life here on earth spontaneously arose from non-life over billions of years why couldn't it happen elsewhere. Also what are the odds that we are the most advanced civilizations in the universe.

The first pieces of evidences that I want to talk about is in regards to fossilization. Throughout our early years in school we are taught it takes long periods of time for fossils to form, that they are the remains of dead things that lived at least 10,000 years ago but could take over a million years to form. I find it interesting that evolutionist stress at least 10,000 years ago which is just slightly older than the biblical timeline allows. This is just their subtle way of saying the bible isn't true.

 Well does fossilization take thousands of years to form the answer is no! In the video presented there are pics of a fossilized Ichthyosaur giving birth, Fossil Hat, Fossil barbwire, and a Pic of a toy car covered in Rock. In regards to Radiometric testing, it can hardly be considered something one should put their trust in. This is because you have to make assumptions like has there been any radio isotope added? Have the decay rates been constant throughout time? Have any been taken away? How much did it possess when it died? What were the atmospheric conditions like when it was alive?

Other Evidences that show the weaknesses in Darwinism include T-Rex red blood cells and flexible tissue, the rapid layer and canyon formation of  Mount saint Helen's, and the fact that natural selection always reduces information.

The last reasons that I will give on this post as to why Darwinism isn't a faith that I would put my trust in is because even Dr. Colin Patterson who is/was the Senor Paleontologist of British museum of natural history admits that he doesn't know of any transitional fossils. There also is no astronomical cause as to why we have a seven day week, we have it because of scripture. I don't believe DNA could arise by chance, one reason for this is because just  one strand of it's information could fill enough books to travel to the moon and return a total of 240 times.

Scriptural Reasons for The Improbability of Alien Life

In this last section I want to go over the Scriptural reasons as to why I think extra terrestrial life is unlikely. We should ask ourselves does the bible mention aliens at all? Yes it does. However the aliens mentioned in the bible is referring to foreigners/strangers, not extraterrestrials (Exo 18:3, Deu 14:21, Job 19:15, Psa 69:8, Isa 61:5, Lam 5:2, Eph 2:12, Heb 11:34).

What follows are four short reasons as to why aliens do not exist. Reason one God gave man dominion over the earth (Gen 1:28). An advanced alien civilization arriving on earth could overthrow man's dominion. Furthermore mankind has a special place in the universe as he was made in God's image (Gen 1:27, Joh 14:9).

Reason two Adam's sin affected all of creation (Rom 8:21-22, 1 Cor 15:22, 2 Pet 3:10-12). Why should Aliens living on other worlds be punished for what happened here on earth? Aliens intelligent enough to make a spaceship would also be able to tell good from evil and thus be in need of a redeemer (Rom 3:23); which brings me to my next point!

Reason three Jesus died once for sins (Heb 10:10, 1Pet 3:18), he is mankind's kinsman redeemer (Ruth 4:3-4, Isa 59:20, Heb 2:16-17),  and thus you have to be a descendant of Adam in order to be saved. In this scenario you have a Calvinistic god that predestined all intelligent alien life to go to hell. In Heb 10:4 we see that the blood of bull's and goats (other creatures) could not take away men's sins. Likewise wouldn't Jesus have to be reincarnated into countless worlds in order to die for the aliens sins? This is not biblical since Jesus is now and forever both God and man (Heb 13:8).

Reason four I think the simple fact that the bible doesn't even mention extraterrestrial life speaks volumes about the probability of their being any. The bible does tell us however that the heavens declare the glory of God (Psa 19:1). Therefore I can understand why the universe is so big, couldn't it be because God is so glorious?

So in conclusion the probability of there being actual alien life on other worlds (especially intelligent ones) is virtually 0%. The cases of UFO sightings and alien abductions are merely the result of the prince of the power of the air/ god of this world deceiving those that do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4:4, Eph 2:2).

Alien intrusion; UFO's and the evolution connection by Gary Bates
Regarding fossilization

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