Friday, May 22, 2020

Biomimicry: Evidence of Design Updated

Today's topic is about how the sophisticated design of animals and their behaviors strongly refute the idea that they originate from a blind and purposeless cause which is evolution. (update in red)

So what is Biomimicry? To put it bluntly It is when people look at and use the examples found in nature to create stuff. My question to the evolutionists is, why do intelligent scientists use examples of things that are the supposed result of unintelligent forces when they create things. In other words why does biomimicry even exist.

Some examples of Biomimicry include: Cenano's nanotol sealant which can be sprayed on things to make them water/oil/fat repelent this incredible invention was inspired by the Lotus flower. Another example is the Shinkansan bullet train inspired by the Kingfisher. More examples included Velcro inspired by Burrs, the Bionic car and the Box fish, and Ornilux Birdsafe glass from studying the spider web. These are just a few examples of Biomimicry.

The rest of this article is divided up into three parts according to the references below, and its basically about how evolution can't account for the things we find in the animal kingdom. I apologize in advance that the rest of this post isn't exactly about biomimcry so it's a bit off topic. 

Part 1

Let's first take a look at the Leaf Weaver Ant. What's so remarkable about this little creature. Well despite the fact that it has no brain, instead it has just a ganglea (cluster of Nerves) it still has the ability to make leaf nests. How do they do it first one ant holds together two leaves while another ant uses their Larva as a Glue gun (silk). Incredibly they work as a team, with one mind
The question i raise is this how do they know what to do? Is this instinct best explained by blind purposely evolution or that an intelligent creator gave them the instinct to do this?

Then there is the Scout bee, they are capable of giving directions to a food source with a figure 8 waggle dance. How does this happen? It turns out that the direction of the bee's waggle shows the direction of the food, the duration of the waggle lets the bee's know how far away it is, and the quality of the food is shown by the intensity of the waggle. How can evolution explain this behavior.

The last thing that I wanted to mention in this part is Bird Migration. It is a well known fact that some birds travel thousands of miles unguided. The information that is needed for them to do this is programmed into them by the time they are born. This is a great mystery to Darwinian evolutionist but can easily be explained by the creation model. We also know that Butterflies migrate as well.

Part 2

The next creature that we are going to take a look at is the Tiger Moth. This fascinating bug emits ultra sonic counter clicks that is capable of jamming a predator bats sonar. How can random chance mutations give a moth the ability to do this? Why would it have given it to the bat's prey instead of some other random creature like an elephant since evolution doesn't have intelligence?

Contrary to evolution's survival of the fittest model, here is an example of cooperation between different species of animals. There is a particular order in which tanagers eat the bugs off of trees. The speckled tanagers pick insects off the leaves of the tree.
The bay-headed tanagers comes along and eats bugs from beneath the tree's large branches, and turquoise tanagers consume them from off the twigs.

Part 3

The last thing that we are going to look at today are some animals mentioned in the final reference below. When we take a look at the Giraffe's long neck we realize that it must have a very powerful heart muscle in order to pump blood to it's brain. But how does this animal not blow it's brains out when it lowers it's head to drink from a pond. It just so happens that the Giraffe has spickets in the arteries that go up it's neck as well as a sponge behind his brain that prevents this from happening.

When we come to the Woodpecker we see that it's body is perfectly designed for it's task of hunting bugs in trees. For one it has a tough beak, it also has shock absorbers to absorb the impact of slamming it's face against the trees (May not be factual). The woodpecker's skull is  the thickest bone per body weight of any animal. It's feet is different than most birds in that it has two toes on the front and two on the back, perfect for sticking to trees. It's barbed tongue can extend up to ten inches out of it's beak, it also has a glue and solvent factory in it's mouth. Of course both the glue and the solvent had to be there at the same time in order for the woodpecker to not have glued it's mouth shut.

Here's another thing to ponder, if evolution was true what was the Platypus' ancestor? It has the beak of a duck, the tail and fur of a beaver, it also lays eggs, has webbed feet, it nurses with milk like a mammal, but has a venomous barb like a reptile. How do the Cucojew beetles know when to turn all their little lights on at the exact same time which causes the entire tree to light up.

Then we come to what many to believe to be mans best friend the dog. Dogs disprove evolution because their genetic information is lost in order to make certain breeds, and not gained. When we breed dogs we do not see them giving rise to anything but other dogs. 

Next we come to the bizarre Cuttlefish. This amazing creature can not only change into different colors but textures as well. It also has strobe light which is used to hypnotize prey. To attribute these amazing abilities to mere chance is in my opinion the height of idiocy. Lastly we come to the malipana bee. If it wasn't for this bee the vanilla orchid couldn't make the vanilla bean that we enjoy so much because only this bee knows how to get inside the flower.

So in conclusion we have seen just a small sample of animals which even famous atheist Richard Dawkins would admit gives "the appearance of having been designed with a purpose"(*), even though he believes that this appearance is deceptive we see that his opinion of this is based on his presupposition and not on the evidence itself. This is because the evidence points to a Creator so that people won't have an excuse to say "Oh, I didn't have any reason to believe".

Thanks for Reading Please Share!!!! 


Amazing Animal Designs; Gods Technological Marvels by Chris Ashcraft M.S, M.E.D, MTMS

Acts and Facts June 2016 

Dr. Jobe Martin incredible creatures that defy Evolution

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