Thursday, August 11, 2022

Is Birth-Control a Sin?


Hello viewers, today's topic will surely be a controversial one. Here I am going to give 10 things for married couples to consider if they are practicing birth control. Now I know that this post may offend some people, nevertheless we must always go to the bible for our instructions for how we should live. Furthermore before we begin I just want to state that I'm not condemning anyone if they have practiced birth control for I have done it too, with that said let us get to the truth of the matter.  

1. The first reason I think birth control could be considered a sin is because isn't it idolatry for YOU to decide when to have kids. Like your telling God when it's okay for him to bless you with kids. We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice and live for him who died for us (Rom 12:1, 2Cor 5:15).

2. Both Old and New Testaments tell us to reproduce (be fruitful and multiply, bear children) 

We see this in Genesis 9:7 and 1 Tim 5:14.

3. The world teaches us from childhood to put off having kids until after collage and you establish yourself in a successful career. The bible tells us not to trust in riches (1Tim6, Mar 10:24). We need to beware of those that would spoil us after the tradition of men (Col 2:8). 

4. Would it be considered dishonoring your parents to decide not to have kids? aka not continuing the family line.

5. Consider the long term future consequence of you not having godly seed. All the future generation that would have been blessed by God through them now will have to be blessed by God by someone else. Jam 4:17

6. Are you calling God a liar? God's word says children are a blessing, even if you affirm this with your mouth, you are denying this with your actions (Psa 127:3-5, Tit 1:16).

7. You can't be a Bishop or Deacon without them (1 Tim 3:4,12).

8. Wouldn't it be sorta hypocritical to preach against abortion if you yourself avoid having kids like the women that is going into the abortion mill? Rom 2:1-3,21, Mat 7:1-5.

9. Is the reason why you don't want kids rooted in fear? What does scripture say about fear? What we need to learn to do in this matter is trust that God will provide for and help us with kids. (1 John 4:18, Rev 21:8).

10. Finally is the reason why you don't want kids rooted in selfishness? Which the first perilous times behavior listed in 2 Timothy 3. 

With all that said let me just state that It's not my job to judge anyone's salvation and condemn anyone, we all have area's in our walk that could be improved so lets continue to walk with the Lord and grow to be more like Christ. 

Thanks For Reading Please Share!!!

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