Sunday, June 24, 2018

Health Tips For The Health Concious

Here is some health related info I picked up from Kevin Trudeau's book "More Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" (paraphrased of course).
[DISCLAIMER]:While I agree with a lot of things in this book, some practices are not Christian compatible and you should read the book with caution.

Did you know out of 100 Cancer patients interviewed, all of them had fast food or chain restaurant an average of 3 times a week. Same thing with Diabetics. Diethanolamine is just one of many ingredients that are used in our home and personal care products that have been proven to cause Cancer. Watch out for Propylene Glycol, it is the main ingredient in antifreeze and causes many illnesses plus it doesn't leave the body. It is found in food, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.

There are about two thousand deaths a year caused from taking a single dose of Aspirin, and one hundred thousand deaths from Vioxx. The main causes of Illness comes from an abundance of toxins in your body, a deficiency of nutrients, stress, or electromagnetic chaos. Don't buy Pasteurized dairy, pasteurization simply heats product to kill bacteria but, but also kills the living enzymes which makes it harder to digest food.

Don't buy homogenized milk and eat food cooked in hydrogenated oils as it scars your arteries. There is over fifteen thousand toxic chemicals that are allowed to be added to your food without being listed on the packaging.

Did You know that  everything you put on your skin gets into your bloodstream. Lotions, soaps, cosmetics, etc. They all contain ingredients that even the FDA says they are so dangerous they cant be taken internally. A Swiss study concluded that 5 of the most common ingredients in sunscreen cause Cancer, it isn't the sun that causes cancer it's the sunscreen!

The three things which slow the elimination process are
(1.) antibiotics- Kill all friendly bacteria in the intestine allowing Candida to grow abnormally; slowing digestion, increasing constipation
(2.) Lotions/creams clog pores, suppress the natural elimination process through the skin.
(3.) Lack of body movement.

You should get 8 hours of deep sleep; ideally between 10 pm and 6 am. Hormones that heal the body are released between 10 pm and 2 am. The entire health care industry's only objective is to increase profits; not to cure or prevent disease. Corporations are legally responsible for increasing profits above all else.

Don't let the Health care Industry pressure you into getting a flu shot (or any vaccine for that matter) as they are some of the most toxic things you can take.

The #1 cause of high toxicity in the body is prescription and non-prescription drugs. Please note that disease cannot live in alkaline environment, I recommend looking up how to get your body alkaline. You could try doing body cleanses for better health. (colon, liver, kidney, bladder, heavy metal, parasite, candida).

Exercise tips :Rebounding 10 minutes a day, walking an hour a day, stretch 15-minutes.

Breath deeply, Cancer can't live in an Oxygen rich environment, give up smoking, use a shower filter. Eat only 100% organic, non organic food contain pesticides which can be hazardous to your health.

Fast food is some of the most chemically dense and nutritionally deficient food out there. If you eat at fast food restaurant fifteen times in the week it equals to about 90% chance of getting Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity, etc.

Diet soda is designed to make you fat. You should use toothpaste with no Fluoride. Don't use non stick cookware, it's fumes can kill a bird. Use an air purifier for your home.

 Only use 100%  organic cleaning supplies, other cleaning supplies are a leading cause of Cancer in children. Drink juice from organic produce right away or it will lose its nutrients through the air. Get some sun.

Cell phones, Laptops, HDTV, microwaved food cause: Cancer and suppress Immune System. Stay out of the room when doing laundry because electric tumble dryers produce a lot of positive ions that cause: suppressed Immune System, Fatigue, Depression, and Anxiety.

Rest from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown (Observing the Sabbath). To help cope with stress: Avoid watching the news, be thankful, avoid the psychiatrist and psychologists, have sex.( if your married of course), don't use an alarm clock, and listen to classical music.

Avoid food additives such as: Spices, Artificial color, Palm oil, Dextrose, Sucrose, Splenda, Enriched bleached flour. Once you heat oil it quickly goes rancid... all food coming out of this oil is highly carcinogenic (causes Cancer).

 I recommend shopping at the Farmers Market or natural health store. Interesting to note is that dogs that eat all organic raw food live to be 22- 30 years old instead of around 12-14 years eating man made food. If you have cancer don't get Chemotherapy, it  shuts down your Immune System, only about 3% people survive it.
98% of people that develop Lung Cancer smoke Cigarettes.
Fluorescent lighting makes you tired and weakens the Immune System. Full Spectrum Light increases energy and alleviates Depression.

1 comment:

  1. I find this post very interesting and informative. There are a few suggestions I'd like to make though. 1. separate your different points, they're all crammed together. 2. the 100% organic premise is totally outdated, as is the alkaline business.
