Monday, July 30, 2018

What does the Bible say about Reproof, Rebuke, and Chastening

Today I want to talk about the importance of rebuke, reproof, and / or chastening in the church. The reason I think this topic is important to cover is because it opposes the "judge not" attitude many church goers have today.

I will start off by saying that scripture commands us to rebuke those who are in open willful sin (Lev 19:17, Luk 17:3, 1 Thes 5:14, 2 Thes 3:14-15, 1 Tim 5:20, 2 Tim 4:2, Tit 1:13, Tit 2:15). We are to rebuke the wicked and not flatter them by calling them righteous (Pro 24:24-25, Pro 28:23), neither should we be offended when our brethren rebuke us, tor they are only seeking our good (Psa 141:5, Pro 6:23, Pro 25:12).

So, are there any examples of people being rebuked in the New Testament, sure there are! We have Peter and Jesus rebuking each other, although Peter was definitely in the wrong ( Mar 8:32-33), Stephen rebuking people in Act 7:51, Peter rebuking Simon in Acts 8:20-23, Paul rebuking the Galatians (Gal 3:1), and finally back in the Old Testament Balaam was rebuked by his donkey (2 Pet 2:16).

There are several examples of God rebuking people/things in the bible including; God rebuking Laban (Gen 31:42), the waves of the sea (2 Sam 22:16, Psa 106:9, Mat 8:26), the proud (Psa 119:21), Satan (Zech 3:2), a foul spirit (Mar 9:25), and finally God rebukes and chastens those who he loves (Job 5:17, Heb 12:5-13, Rev 3:19).

As Important as rebuke is be warned that there will be those who will reject your counsel namely Scorners and brutish people (Prov 9:7, Pro 12:1, Pro 13:1) as well as the poor (Pro 13:8, Pro 13:18).

What is the purpose of reproof? The purpose of reproof is to stir up in the hearer godly sorrow over their sin, which then leads them to repentance unto salvation. ( 2 Cor 7:8-10). Parents are held responsible for correcting their children so as to give them wisdom (Pro 29:15).

In Conclusion chastening, reproof, and rebuke is a good thing that we should not be afraid to use when the occasion calls for it ( Pro 27:5, Ecc 7:5), and those that continue to reject it do so at their own peril (Pro 29:1).

Thanks for Reading please share!!!!

Extra verses
Nehe 5:7, 1 Chr 12:17, Psa 6:1, Psa 76:6, Pro 9:8-9, Pro 15:5, Pro 17:10, Pro 19:25, Pro 26:4-5, Isa 54:9, Eze 33:8, Mat 17:18, Luk 4:35, Eph 5:13, 1 Tim 5:1-2, Jud 1:9

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