Friday, March 15, 2019

What is the Dances of Universal Peace?

In today's post I want to briefly go over this particular religon and explain why I believe we as Christians shouldn't be apart of it.

The dances of universal peace was founded by  Samuel Lewis who lived  between 1896 and 1971. Samuel was regarded as a mystic, a Sufi master, and a zen teacher. The first alarm bell that goes off in my head is the fact that he claimed to receive regular Psychic messages from the late Sufi master Inayat Khan. As Christians we know what the bible says about those who talk with the dead; they are an abomination to God (Deu 18:10-12). Just from this fact alone we can write off this religion as not being from God due to the fact that corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit (Mat 7:18).

So what kind of practices do adherents to this religion observe? Well actually it involves Dancing, a lot of dancing, this religion boasts over five hundred dances that celebrate the "sacred heart" of various religions. The dances consist of scriptures and sacred phrases derived from many of the worlds spiritual traditions and apply them to movement and music. The participants join hands and form a circle,  with the musicians in the center. The leader teaches the sacred phrase, melody, and movements for each dance. 

Where do they do these kind of dances? In many places such as  prisons, hospice houses, schools, therapy groups, as well as drug rehab centers and retirement villages.

So why am I writing this article? And why does this religion bother me? What could be wrong with joining hands with a bunch of strangers and worshiping God together? Here are a few points I would like the reader to consider. One, back in the old testament it was a crime punishable by death to serve other gods(Deu 13:6 -11). Two, we are instructed by Paul not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers and this would include worshiping with them (2Co 6:14 -18). Three *, we should not have fellowship with devils which is exactly what the gentiles sacrifice too (1 Cor 10:20). 

In conclusion yes we should try and live peaceably with all men (Heb 12:14) and we should help even our enemies (Mat 5:44), but our priority should be to bring the Gospel to the lost (Mar 16:15)  and not to encourage the wicked so that they won't turn from their wickedness (Jer 23:14). In the end I find it horribly counterproductive if you try to witness to the lost about Jesus being the only way and yet you go to worship with them and sing the same songs that they sing to their gods.


* the words in bold in the paragraph above the conclusion were added because of I realized I forgot to add them in earlier when making the post, my sincerest apologies.

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