Monday, April 29, 2019

Bible Teaching Vs Buddhism: A Comparison

For today's study I will be covering the origin of the eastern religion known as Buddhism. First I will briefly go over some of it's history and then compare Buddhism's beliefs and practices with what we know from the Holy Bible. Before I continue writing this article I want to just state that we as Christians must share the truth in love (Eph 4:15), to this end we must never become prideful and trust in our own righteousness (Eze 33:13, Rom 10:3, Phili 3:9).

A Short History Lesson on Buddhism

Buddhism's founder was an Indian prince named Siddharta Gautama; who lived around 500 b.c. It was during a journey that he saw 4 types of men... one man was old, the other sick, another poor, and one dead. Because he was distressed at the suffering of the world he decided to leave his family and seek enlightenment. To this end he decided sit under a tree and vowed not to move from that spot until he acquired enlightenment. He then spent the remainder of his life teaching Dharma otherwise known as the path to liberation from suffering.

Like the other big world religions such as Islam and christianity, Buddhism has been divided into various sects that teach or emphasize varying beliefs. There's Theravada Buddhism which is Atheistic and focuses on monastic life. Then we have Mahayana Buddhism which is polytheistic, it teaches that enlightenment might be achieved in one lifetime even by a layperson.  Other subdivisions of Mahayana Buddhism include Zen, Nichiren, and pure land. Buddhist monks like catholic priests (who haven't married) are expected to live lives of celibacy.

Buddhism today has about 500 million adherents worldwide. Their "Sacred 
Texts" include the Pali cannon and the Mahayana Sutras.

Buddhism Vs The Bible

What follows is an overview of some of the basic beliefs of Buddhism contrasted by what the our Scriptures teach.

To most Buddhist Buddha is considered their only Master, however Jesus tells us to not be called master for one is our Master even Christ (Mat 23:10). Like I said before Theravada buddhist don't believe this world was made by God. This is refuted not only by what we learn in from science but from Scripture also
(Gen 1:1).

In regards to the afterlife buddhist don't believe that we have a soul, instead they believe in karma and reincarnation. This is the notion of what we do in this life determines what we will become in the next. Instead of heaven, buddhist teach that Nirvana is the end of the cycle of death and rebirth and is indescribable.
While it is true that we do reap what we sow (Rom 2:6-10, Gal 6:7-8), the bible teaches that man is only appointed to die once (Heb 9:27).

In Buddhism the 4 noble truths are 1.  All life marked by suffering 2. The cause of suffering is desire or attachment 3. suffering can be stopped 4. This is done by following the 8 fold path. What is the 8 fold path in Buddhism? It's right knowledge, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.

The problem with the eight fold path is that tricks people into thinking that they can earn their salvation. The bible tells us that we are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9), it's not of works that way no one can boast. Producing good works/fruit is the result of having been saved not something we do to get salvation. 

In regards to religious practices buddhist meditate and chant mantra's which invoke deities. The Mala are rosary beads that are used for counting mantra's, chants, or prayers; it's also used in Hinduism and Catholicism.
Jesus forbids vain repetitious prayers (Mat 6:7).   

In regards to morality many buddhism does not condemn "homosexuality" for  the lay people. However the bible teaches that men must repent of  things such as fornication as well as stealing, drunkenness, etc if they want to inherit the kingdom of  God (1Co 6:9-11).   

In Buddhism images of  wrathful deities are stored in the homes and temples  of Tibetan Buddhists. They are thought to protect them from evil influences as well as remind them to destroy passion and the evil within. These "wrathful deities" are given offerings of human flesh that's symbolized by parched barley flower and butter, among other things and are traditionally six in number. These deities are depicted as sculptures, paintings and mask.

It is a very common them of the bible that God doesn't want people to commit idolatry. We are not to worship graven images, idols have eyes but do not see, ears but do not hear, etc. The very fact that someone crafts an image proves that it isn't God (Exo 20:3-6, Psa 97:7, Psa 115:4-8, Act 17:29-30, Hos 8:6).   

Buddhism believe that it's bad karma to kill any living thing, therefore most buddhist don't eat meat from animals. They are usually vegetarians. All throughout scripture we see it being ok to eat meat, the only time it wasn't  was in the beginning when there was no death, and possibly in the future when God remakes the world and death is defeated. 
(Gen 9:3, Act 10:11-13, Rom 14:2-3, 1Tim 4:1-5, Gen 1:29-30, Rev 21:4).

Conclusion & Offer Of Salvation

First I want to stress that this is not an attack on Buddhist but on the teaching of buddhism itself. In the case of Theravada Buddhism which is atheistic I have many articles that debunks Evolution/Atheism, so if your interested in why the universe had to be created by God please refer to those posts. A good one to check out is my proving God exist article here.

In regards to the sects of Buddhism that teaches polytheism, just because you paint an image of something or make a sculpture of something it doesn't make it a god! Ask yourself is your faith based on evidence or on tradition? If the only proof that your god exists is because there are images of him or that you experienced some subjective personal experience then it might be a good idea to reevaluate your beliefs.

On the other hand when we take a look at the Holy Bible, what we are beholding is perhaps the greatest evidence for monotheism that exist. It's details on historical figures and events are verified by archeology and other historical writings. Some of our scientific findings have only recently caught up to what the bible has said all along. The fact that Jesus is the only known God to step into human history and proved his deity with numerous miracles. When you include to that the testimonies of all the christians who's lives were changed by and have been cared for by Jesus it's no wonder the number of Christians today is in the billions even if most of them are christian in name only.

To conclude buddhism teaches about false gods and a false gospel of works salvation. If you are buddhist please understand that all have sinned (Rom 3:23) against a holy God. God is a judge (Psa 50:6) and he cannot leave sin unpunished. We cannot earn salvation by doing good because that would be an attempt to bribe the Judge, God doesn't take bribes (Deu 10:17). In other words are works are as filthy rags before him (Isa 64:6). But god is also merciful and longsuffering he doesn't want anyone to perish, it is his will for all men to be saved (1Tim 2:4, 2Pet 3:9). For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, there is no other name under heaven whereby we must me saved (Joh 3:16, Act 4:12), it was his death on the cross that payed our ransom for sin (1Cor 15:2-8, Col 1:20-22). If you repent and put your faith in Jesus you will be saved (Acts 20:21).

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