Friday, June 28, 2019

Why Darwin's Theory just doesn't add up

In today's post we are going to look at some of the "best" evidence for evolution to show that Darwin's theory is indeed wanting. I will also be going over some other material concerning the cause of the universe and the fine tuning argument.

An Interesting Quote.

Chief Science writer for Nature Magazine Henry Gee  when discussing the 1999 issue said "...all the fossil evidence for human evolution between 10 and 5 million years ago - several thousand generations of living creatures - can be fitted into a small box". "... In fact he said that the traditional idea of human evolution is "a completely human invention created after the fact, shaped to accord with human take a line of fossils and claim that they represent a lineage is not a scientific Hypothesis that can be tested, but an assertion that carries the same validity as a bedtime story".

Examining the Evidence

Now I want to cover the alleged four best evidences of evolution to show that they are either completely false or are misleading at best. 1. the Miller experiment- The problem with this experiment is that most Geo-chemist since the 1960's would say that the earth's primitive atmosphere was completely different than Miller's, but if you redid the experiment using a "realistic atmosphere" it would produce Formaldehyde! cyanide!  2. Darwins Tree of Life- Textbooks nowadays will call it a fact, However the fossil record of the "Cambrian explosion"  turns the this tree on it's head. Instead of having a descent from a common ancestor we have a rapid appearance of the major phyla that are still here today near the beginning of the fossil record.

3. Haeckel's embryo's- The last time I heard these drawing were still being used in the classrooms, but the problem is they fail on three front's. The drawings don't look like the actual photo's, the examples are also cherry picked, and what Haeckel claimed were the early stages of development was actually the mid point. 4. The Archaeopteryx missing link- It turns out that Archaeopteryx was just a bird with modern feathers and not half reptile. National geographic magazine did publish an article on a missing link between Dino's and birds, their evidence was a fossil called Archaeoraptor which turned out to be a fraud. There are actually a ton of fake transitional fossils made by men because they love money. So where are all these supposedly real countless transitional forms that are needed for evolution to be true?

A popular theory among evolutionist is that the dinosaurs didn't go extinct but rather slowly evolved into birds. In fact a group of molecular biologists reported that they found bird DNA in dinosaur bones! Now here's the kicker, it was 100% turkey DNA, in case you didn't know already only turkeys have that. What's really sad is that it actually got published in science magazine. Another evolutionary blunder is the missing link in human evolution known as Javaman. He consisted of a skull cap that with the same brain capacity of humans living today, a femur which was discovered later that it didn't go with the skullcap, and 3 teeth.

Concerning the Cause of the Universe

Some evolutionary scientists may say that the universe began in a  quantum vacuum; which is considered to be a sea of fluctuating energy. This sea of energy has a physical structure and can be described by physical laws, so it isn't an example of something arising from a state of nothingness. Concerning the cause of the universe we know that whatever begins to exists has a cause, the universe did have a beginning, therefore the universe had a cause. Why could there not have been multiple creators? The answer is a scientific principle known as Ockham's razor which states that we shouldn't multiply causes beyond what's necessary to explain an effect.

What about the Physical Constants of the Universe?

Let's take a look at the fine tuning argument which refers to the amazing way that the fundamental laws and parameters of physics are balanced as well as the initial conditions of the universe. It just so happens to be balanced on a razor's edge for life to exists. In other words the dials are set too precisely for this to be all just random happenstance. It has been said that there are over thirty cosmological/physical parameters that demands precise calibration in order to create a universe capable of sustaining life. examples include gravitational force, strong nuclear force, electromagnetic force, expansion rate of the universe, entropy level of the universe, mass density of the universe, polarity of the water molecule, and more.

In conclusion we see that the best support that evolutionist have for their theory shouldn't be something we should place our hopes on, and that the universe did indeed have a cause. And finally the universe is too finely tuned for it too have arisen by chance.

References :The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel pgs. 38, 43-47, 48-49, 57, 58-59, 60,61-62, 63, 98, 101, 109, 132,

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