Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Answering Some Foolish Reasons To Not Believe In God

I was scrolling through some youtube comments recently and I came across someone who used to be a christian but has departed from the faith (1Tim 4:1), and has since became a Atheist/fool (Psa 14:1). He listed several scriptures that he claims makes the God of the bible grossly immoral. He even stated that he was morally superior the God of the bible. For today's article I'm going to address these controversial passages of scripture to in order to show that those who disbelieve in God because of scripture are illogical at best. 

One common argument atheist use to support their disbelief in God is that they say there is no evidence for his existence. This kind of statement only shows their stubborness and lack of research into the existence of God. As of the writing of  this article my blog alone contains about thirty post that disprove darwinian evolution with twenty more post expected to be released by the summer of 2020. So there  certainly is no lack of evidence for the existence of God. 

Another common statement from unbelievers is that they think they are good people and deserve to go to heaven. They think their sin doesn't warrant an eternity in hell. The fact is if you strike a man you might land a few days in jail, if you strike a police officer you may land a few weeks or months in jail, if you attack the president it could bring you the death sentence, with each higher level of authority you transgress the penalty increases. How much more punishment should you expect for sinning against an infinite and utmost holy God who has given you everything that you have, even your very being. To say it's unloving to burn wicked men in hell forever, what kind of punishment would you expect a unrepentant rapist, adulterer, lying murderous thief deserves? I'd say they are no better than the devil who rebelled against God. 

I have heard it said that religion is the most detrimental thing mankind has ever created, and that they have a duty to fight it (professing atheist). The fact is only a very small percentage of war has been because of religion. Christianity has been the reason why so much charity is done to the needy and strangers. Yes, it's true that many false religions send people to hell but what atheist needs to realize that his worldview evolution-ism is a religion that causes untold havoc. Depression, racism, porn addiction, suicide, euthanasia, promiscuity, abortion etc, and is a direct result of being influenced by that worldview. 

Now let's go ahead and address some bible passages that some people consider proves that the God of scripture either isn't real or is immoral. Note: In my opinion these are probably some of the strongest verses an atheist or pagan will use to attack the bible, therefore by explaining these verses I will demonstrate that in all actuality you cannot disprove christianity/Judaism with the bible. 

I've seen an atheist actually use Gen 32:22-31 to say that God couldn't beat Jacob. My question to him is have you ever wrestled your dad and have him let you win? God simply let Jacob win, it's absurd to use this passage to say God doesn't exist or that he couldn't have beat Jacob if he wanted to. Exo 4:24-26 is an interesting passage where God supposedly would have killed Moses if his son didn't get circumcised. I don't see the issue here since this was a commandment since way back in Gen 17:10-14. In Exo 11:5 we see that God is going to smite all the firstborn of Egypt. Scoffers will say God murdered them, no God cannot murder because he has a right to choose when we die since he is the one who gives life. We don't have a right to take life because it's not ours to take. 

We see from Exo 21:17 that cursing your parents was punishable by death. I am assuming this command didn't apply to small children. This person obviously violated the 5th commandment (Exo 20:12) and we see that hate is the same as murder in 1Joh 3:15.

Exo 31:15 had the death penalty for working on the sabbath. This may seem extreme at first but not if you consider that people were not killed for sinning through ignorance (Lev 4 & 5). This would have to be a conscious choice to rebel against God which would be like the sin of witchcraft (1Sam 15:23).

Some people may think the death penalty for adultery is pretty harsh (Lev 20:10). I think that is a great deterrent for committing evil. Plus adultery destroys families and causes immense pain for  the whole family that can last for years. What other penalty could possible be appropriate?  In Lev 20:13 we see the death penalty in the OT for homosexuality as well. Again people may see this as too severe a punishment but when we look at the consequences of sodomy we see why we need such a strict punishment. Homosexuality destroys a families lineage, spreads diseases, corrupts the image of God and the symbol of Christ and the church, etc. 

Some skeptics may point to Lev 21:17-24 and claim that God doesn't like disfigured, crippled, or blemished people, etc. What they fail to realize is that this restriction was only from the seed of Aaron to make offering to the Lord. I suppose the reasoning for this is because the priest were a foreshadowing of Christ who was the unblemished lamb of God (Joh 1:29, 2Cor 5:21, Heb 10:1). It is absurd to state that Num 31:18 supports pedeophilia, if you read the context and chapter 25 you would see that the women of Moab enticed Israel to sin with their whoredom, I see no problem with God sparing little girl from being slaughtered. 

The people mentioned in Deu 20:16-18, which scoffers will say God commanded genocide; were committing all sorts of wickedness (see Lev 18 and Dt 12&18). If you don't think incest, child sacrifice, practicing magic, and beastiality is worthy of death then what, mind you is?

Dt 21:18-22 is a passage about stoning a stubborn and rebellious son, he is also charged with gluttony and being a drunkard. Note: it doesn't say child it say's son, a little one would most likely not be a drunkard so this passage is not about killing a small boy.

Dt 22:20-21 is about slaying a woman who after her wedding she is found to not be a virgin. Again I see this as a good way of deterring sin (whoredom). Those who think the punishment is too severe has too low a view on how bad sin really is. 

In Dt 25:11-12 bible haters will think cutting off a womans hand is an unfair punishment for taking a man by the secrets. Consider this however, which is worse having one hand or not being able to produce children. Children were important for widows in that time because they acted as a security for them in their old age and well as continued their familiy's lineage. 

Judg 11:29-40 this controversial passage has Jephthah supposedly sacrificing his daughter as a result of a vow he made to God. While some christians think that it just means that she lived a virgin the rest of her life I see no reason why it couldn't mean that he sacrificed her. I mean God didn't force him to make that vow and it would be sin if he didn't keep it (Deut 23:21, Pro 12:22). Either way it doesn't disprove the existence of God or prove that God's immoral. God doesn't approve of child sacrifice (Jer 19:5, 32:35).

Some scoffers may say that God helps Samson murder and steal from thirty men in Judg 14:19. What they don't realize is that we all deserve the death penalty from God and since God owns everything he can give it to whomsoever he wills.
*1Sam 15:2-3 is the passage about the command to wipe out the Amalekites, including women and children. Atheists claim how can a good God order such a thing. I respond how could he not? How do you know they weren't burning their children to Molech like the other nations (Lev 18:21), and committing all sorts of sexual sins as well. This would make the women of the Amalekites just as worthy of death as the men.

Of coarse killing innocent babies should be repugnant to use as our God given conscience tells us it's wrong (Pro 6:17). It's not murder if God tells you to kill, since he gives life he has the authority to take it back; it's only murder if you take human life without God's order to do so. I believe God taking his precious babies back to him might be better than the children realizing they were raised by their parents killers. This was a judgment because he attacked the stranglers (feeble) when Israel came out of Egypt when they were faint and weary. God said that he would put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven (Exo 17:8-16, Deut 25:17-19). (For a more detailed explanation about this Issue check out the link below).

2Kin 2:23-24 may get some scrutiny from those who are proud of heart, but clearly these children were not innocent, In my opinion I'd say they were mischievous adolescents who were challenging Elisha's prophethood and asking him to meet his maker aka go up (yknow like Elijah). Bible twisters may try to use 2Kin 8:12 to say that God supports abortion, however just because God allowed something to take place, it doesn't mean that he wanted it to happen. 

Then we come to the book of Job. Wicked people will actually criticize God for allowing satan to afflict poor ol Job. Yes Job was perfect and upright. But does that mean that he is entitled to wealth, family, and health? Absolutely not! The point that I'm trying to get across is that God is sovereign and that we have no right to complain when things don't go our way! People may misunderstand Isa 45:6-7 and think that God sins when it says that he creates evil, but in all actuality it's just another way of saying that God punishes sinners. 

Feminist will make a big deal about  1 Cor 14:34-35 and 1Tim 2:11-15. However this rule is for the women's benefit. First off women choose to go to church, its a choice. Church is not a place to gossip and talk about trivial secular matters. It's a time to worship God with psalms, teach the word, and pray so that the church may be edified. Men  didn't need that admonition because women generally talk approximately 20,000 words a day, men only 7000 according to the link below as well as various other sources. Wives being submission to their husbands isn't sexism, it's about order. Just like we all have to be in subjection to the higher powers and children are to obey their parents. The command for husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church isn't the easiest command to follow sometimes but we obey it. We don't call it sexism. It's about order. Men are called to be the protector (Eph 5:25), provider (1Tim 5:8), priests and prophet (Eph 6:4) of his house. 

Next we come to the issue of slavery in the bible. God-haters will say things like the bible allows masters to beat their slaves to within an inch of their life and remain unpunished as long as the slave survives a couple of days (Exo 21:20-21), that slaves in the bible were not indentured servants because to go out free means to leave their wives and children behind (Exo 21:4-6), that slaves could be inherited from parents (Lev 25:44-46)  and that slaves are supposed to obey their masters even if they beat them (1Pet 2:18-20). Well, actually those verses in Peter is references a servant not a slave, therefore sticking with that employer is voluntary, it's the newer corrupted bibles that use the word slave there.

In answering Exo 21:20-21 Atheists are assuming that the slave didn't already know about this rule when he became a servant. This would be unlikely since the strangers that sojourned among Israel had the same law to follow (Exo 12:49, Lev 24:22, Num 15:16). Plus he still technically couldn't be called a slave because he still had the choice to leave if he wanted to. Lev 25:44-46 may make it seem like slavery since it refers to them as being a possession that would be given as an inheritance, but it's still considered indentured servitude because they were free to leave their masters (see passage below about escaped servants)

However the bible doesn't condone slavery, it does however give rules for indentured servitude. Those that were poor and starving, wanted to buy land, pay off debt could sell themselves to meet those ends. The so-called slavery of the bible is far different than the african slave trade of america in the 1800's. Consider that they had the Sabbath off (Exo 20:10), you couldn't kidnap someone (Exo 21:16), or return an escaped servant (Dt 23:15-16), they had to let the servant go for their eye or tooth's sake (Exo 21:26-27), Hebrews were release on the seventh year (Exo 21:2, Lev 25:39-43) and were not to be ruled over with rigor, life for life (Exo 21:12), Israelites were commanded not to vex/oppress the Stranger (Exo 22:21, Exo 23:9), but to love them (Lev 19:34, Deut 10:19). Masters are told to give to their servants that which is just and equal (Col 4:1) and forbear threatening (Eph 6:9). The Bible doesn't support racism (Gal 3:28, Col 3:11).

To conclude this article I will state just one more objection that atheist may raise , Freewill. They may say that you can't have 100% obedience or perfect compliance with free will, that you will always get varied results. Their flawed logic is God cannot exists because he gives people free will and then punishing them for not obeying him. This problem however is rendered invalid when you consider what Christ did on the cross. Yes we have free will, yes we might sin accidentally sometimes after being born again but if we confess and forsake our sins God will forgive us. All we have to do is repent and Trust in Jesus.



*My apologies but I updated the explanation of this passage and therefore changed it quite a bit.

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