Thursday, January 16, 2020

More Disturbing Facts About Muhammad

It's not very common for me to go over the same religion more than once, however since Islam is such a large religion and because I have come across some very interesting information regarding Islam's founding prophet, I though that I would share it with you. CAUTION: some materiel in this article may not be suitable for younger audiences. With that out of the way let's get started.

The first piece of information that I want to present is that according to Islamic sources Muhammed was a white man. Others have boasted about the whiteness of  multiple parts of his anatomy and even the whiteness of his armpits (Sahih Bukhari 4:56:744, 4:56:767, 1:8:367, 8:78:631, 9:90:342, Sahih Muslim 4:1208, 30:5777, 19:4442). It is also interesting to note that the prophet Muhammad owned black slaves (Zad al-Ma'ad, pp. 114-116, p.160, Sahih Bukhari 3:43:648), and if anyone so much as called Muhammad black they should be killed (ibn Musa al-Yahsubi Qadi 'lyad, p.375). I mention this on the off chance that someone has only joined Islam because they were told that Muhammad was black and that Islam is the religion for the black man.

Now we come to the part of the article that isn't appropriate for children. I have already mentioned in a previous article that Muhammad had several wives and that he would have sex with them all in one day, however I forgot to mention that he would only take one bath that day (Sahih al Bukhari 5215). Very disgusting indeed, how can one consider Muhammad a man of God after knowing this is beyond me.

Muslim Apologist may try and cover up the fact that Muhammad had sex with a nine year old prepubescent girl by stating that she was actually much older, or they might say that she already entered puberty. However I am going to prove this was not the case. All one has to do is go straight to the Muslim sources and read  sahih muslim [3481] 71, and Sahih al-Bukhari 6130 to see that she was indeed still a child when he layed with her. This is because since she still had her dolls when the event happened, this shows that she hasn't reached puberty yet because dolls are forbidden in Islam once one enters puberty. This is because images are forbidden in Islam except for children who haven't reached the age of  moral accountability.

The last piece of disturbing information that I want to share regarding the prophet Muhammad is that he was known to french kiss a little boy (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 1183), and that it is believed that whoever's tongue or lips that he sucks on won't end up in hell (Musnad Ahmad 16245).

So in conclusion we see that not only what Muhammad white, but that he also owned black slaves. He is not a good moral example to follow because he did sleep with a young girl who hadn't reached puberty at the time and there really is no comparison when you compare him to real saints like Paul, Peter, and David,etc.

References: Youtube Video's, Channel Acts 17 Apologetics

ALI G DAWAH! (Islamic Lessons on Puberty and Marriage at Speakers' Corner)

Muhammad Meets The Nation of Islam (Muhammad's Boom-Boom Room)

TOP FIVE Most Disgusting  Facts about Prophet Muhammad!,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Muhammad%27s_White_Complexion,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery

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