Friday, January 10, 2020

Jealousy Vs Envy

The aim of the article that I will be covering today is to explain the difference between Envy and Jealousy. By the end of this post you will be able to tell which one is sinful and which one can actually be considered a good thing?

Defining Jealousy

There are several different definitions of Jealousy, the following is the Webster's 1828 dictionary definitions of the word.
1. That passion of peculiar uneasiness which arises from the fear that a rival may rob us of the affection of one whom we love, or the suspicion that he has already done it;....
2. Suspicious fear or apprehension.
3. Suspicious caution or vigilance, an earnest concern or solicitude for the welfare or honor of others. Such was Paul's godly jealousy for the Corinthians.
4. Indignation. God's jealousy signifies his concern for his own character and government, with a holy indignation against those who violate his laws, and offend against his majesty.

Perhaps the best way that I can explain that jealousy is or at least can be a good thing is the example of a husband being jealous for his wife. If she is being unfaithful to him and flirting with another man, then it is only right and rational for him to feel jealous over his wife. It shows that he cares for her and wants her as his own.

God is Jealous

To further support the idea that jealousy isn't as bad as many people portray is the fact that our God is a jealous God (Exo 20:5, Deu 4:24, Deu 5:9, Jos 24:19, Nah 1:2). In fact it is one of his names (Exo 34:14), and we know that God doesn't sin. What is it that makes God jealous?  It is the crime of Idolatry that provokes God to jealousy (Deu 32:16, 1Ki 14:22-23, Psa 78:58). In the Old Testament we see that God's bride is Israel (Isa 54:5, Jer 3:14), and that they provoked him to jealousy with their spiritual adultery with other gods. As the bride of Christ (Eph 5:31-32, 2 Cor 11:2, Rev 19:7-9) we need to be careful not to provoking him to jealousy as Israel Provoked the Father by committing Idolatry (1 Cor 10:6-7, 1Co 10:20-22).

See also: Deu 6:15, Deu 29:20, Psa 79:5, Isa 42:13, Eze 16:38 -42, Eze 23:25, Eze 36:5 -6, Eze 38:19, Eze 39:25, Joe 2:18, Zep 1:18, Zep 3:8, Zec 1:14, Zec 8:2). 

More Passages about Jealousy

There are a few passages in the bible that speaks of jealousy other than God being Jealous, let's go ahead and cover them.
In Num 5:12 -31 we see the rules concerning a man who has the spirit of jealousy come over him, and what is to be done to his wife in this matter. We have Elijah's Jealousy for the Lord in 1Ki 19:10. We can see that Jealousy can lead to sin in Pro 6:34 when it tells us that it is the rage of a man, we know in the New Testament we are not to avenge ourselves and that the wrath of man doesn't work the righteousness of God (Rom 12:19, Jam 1:20). 

The song of Solomon calls it "cruel as the grave" (Son 8:6). It is evident that salvation came to the gentiles in order to provoke Israel to Jealousy (Deu 32:21, Rom 10:19, Rom 11:11), therefore we can conclude that Jealousy isn't necessarily sinful because God doesn't tempt people to sin.  Furthermore we see that the Apostle Paul when he wrote to the church at Corinth that he stated that he was Jealous over them with a godly jealousy (2Co 11:2).

Defining Envy 

Envy on the other hand can be described as the pain, uneasiness, discontent, displeasure or mortification of another person success, superiority, blessings, happiness, possessions, etc; or to be grieved / fret about another's prosperity. Envy is also accompanied by hatred as well as the desire to depreciate them.

Do Not Be Envious 

So what about Envy? Are there any redeeming qualities about it or is it sinful? Well this author has yet to find any passages of scripture that says anything good about it. There are however quite a few passages though that tells us to not be envious including Psa 37:1, Psa 73:2 -3, Pro 3:31, Pro 23:17, Pro 24:1, Pro 24:19, Rom 13:13, Gal 5:26. Unlike jealousy I believe envy is always sinful because instead of being content with what you got (Heb 13:5), you instead want what others have and instead of loving thy neighbor as the scriptures command (Jam 2:8) you instead try and tear them down. 

Examples in Scripture of Those Who Were Envious

Perhaps one of the earliest examples of envy in the bible is the account of Joseph's brethren, who envied him because his father favored him more highly than themselves (Gen 37:11, Act 7:9). The book of Mark tells us the reason why the chief priests delivered Jesus unto Pilate, it was because of envy (Mar 15:10, Mat 27:18). We also see that the Jews were envious of Paul when he went into their synagogue to preach Jesus (Act 13:45, Act 17:5). 

The Consequences of Envy

Throughout the bible we see the destructive result that Envy plays in the life of those that have it. The Holy Scriptures tell us that it slays the silly one (Job 5:2), it's the rottenness of the bones (Pro 14:30), and that those that commit it are worthy of death (Rom 1:29 -32). This passage alone shows that it is sinful because we know that the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23). Although death is a very serious consequence of envy, the worst punishment for it that I see is in Gal 5:21 where it tells us that those that do it will not inherit the kingdom of God.

More on Envy

The New Testament instructs us that envy is a sign of being carnal (1Co 3:3), and that some even preach Christ of envy or strife
(Php 1:15-18). The bible further instructs us that this kind of wisdom (bitter envying and strife) doesn't come from above but is earthly, sensual, and devilish (Jam 3:14 -16).       
Other verses that mention envy include Pro 27:4, Ecc 9:6,  Isa 11:13, Isa 26:11, Eze 35:11, 2Co 12:20, 1Ti 6:4, Tit 3:3).

There is one passage that stumps me if indeed Envy is always considered a sin. In James 4:4-5 if this passage is referring to the spirit within us as the Holy Spirit, then how can Envy be always a sin. Since we know the Holy Spirit has no sin.

In conclusion we see that godly jealousy such as an husband has for his wife isn't a bad thing but rather a sign that he cares for her and desires to keep their marital relationship pure. Envy on the other hand is a work of the flesh and must be layed aside(1Pe 2:1).

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