Friday, February 7, 2020

A Little Bible Study about Money

Today I will be addressing the topic of money in our bible study. This won't be an extremely long post because I plan on releasing an article on giving very soon. So let's jump right into it!

What Does the Bible Say about being Greedy?

A great example of greed in my opinion from scripture is the harlot known as Delilah she betrayed Samson for silver (Jdg 16:5, Jdg 16:18). She placed her personal wealth above the well being of her lover. The thing is about being greedy is that no matter how much you obtain you will always want more (Ecc 5:10). 

As Christians we are instructed in Corinthians not to keep company with brethren who are extortioners (1Co 5:10). The bible isn't joking when it tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil (1Ti 6:10). It can be hard to think of a sin that isn't done for money! There's Whordom which includes all types of fornication, theft, murder, blasphemy (quite prevelant in today's movies and tv), lying (I have personally witnessed this in the workforce, people lying for the sake of their job), and the list goes on and on.

see also: Eze 7:19, Amo 8:4-10, Mic 3:11-12, Jas 5:1-4 for verses on God's judgment on those that are greedy, that defraud others, teach for hire, etc.

So How Are We Supposed To Use Are Resources?

Le'ts take a look at scripture to see how we as Christians are to handle our money. Under the Old Testament those that had workers were to pay them the same day (Lev 19:13).
We should also not try to deceive those we do business with by using a false balance (Pro 11:1). An example of this would be counterfeit money or selling a defective product as in good condition.

Jesus instructs us to lay up treasures in heaven instead of in earth, and tells us that we cannot serve both God and Mammon (money) (Mat 6:19 -24). One of the things that seperates the sheep from the goats is that the sheep feed&clothe the least of these but the goats do not (Mat 25:31-46). As Christians we should never avoid paying our taxes for custom means tax (Rom 13:7).

See also Mat 25:14-30, Col 4:1

What Has More Value Than Money?

There are many people in the world that put a lot of importance on their career and obtaining wealth. I agree that there is nothing wrong with having a successful career, but how you go about getting that money is another matter completely. The bible teaches that the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and that wisdom is better than rubies  (Job 28:15 -20, Job 28:28,Pro 8:11).  What is the fear of the Lord? It is to hate evil (Pro 8:13). So it doesn't matter how much money you acquire if your getting that wealth by impure means such as prostitution, embezzlement, or lying.
see also Pro 22:1

More Verses On Money

We see in Gen 47:14 -18 that when a famine is sore in the land and the money is spent people will sell their livestock, lands, and service for food to sustain them. We should thank God for what we got because it is he who gives us power to get our wealth (Deu 8:18, 1Sa 2:7).  According to the book of proverbs it's best to have modest finances, that is to say it's ideal to be not too rich or too poor (Pro 30:8 -9). 

Another passage that involves money is the prophecy of Christ being betrayed for the 30 pieces of silver (Zec 11:12).
In Luk 21:1-4 we see that the widow gave more than the rich men because they gave what they had extra, but she gave everything she had. Furthermore scripture teaches that in order to be a bishop or deacon one must not be greedy of filthy lucre (1Tim 3:3, 1 Tim 3:8, Tit 1:7). 

The bible also teaches us that we were redeemed by Christs' blood, and not with silver or gold (1Pe 1:18-19). Salvation in a free gift meaning it cannot be bought (Rom 5:18, Act 8:19-20). And of course how could I forget to mention Rev 13:17 when doing a bible study on money. Just imagine how frightening or at least how difficult it would be if we would be unable to buy or sell without it costing us an eternity in fire.

So in conclusion we as Christians are to be good stewards with the resources that God has given us. We should have a mind to sacrifice our wants and desires and use our money to help others instead (1Co 10:24). Remember  we should never trust in money but instead in God who is the one who gives us our wealth (Mar 10:24, 1 Tim 6:17).

See also: 2Ki 12:16, Psa 37:16, Ecc 10:19

Thanks for reading. Please share!!!

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