Friday, June 5, 2020

Two Fatal Flaws with Evolutionism

In today's post I'm going to cover two specific points that I think pretty much kills any chance of evolution over millions of years, or any evolution at all for that matter. Please note that I'm referring to Macro Evolution which is one animal turning into another. 

Genetic Entropy!!!

The first point that I would like to discuss is genetic entropy. What is that you ask? Well allow me to explain. Evolutionist  will claim that Evolution is caused by genetic beneficial mutations in your DNA,  please note that these are extremely rare if they even exist at all. The one thing that we can be sure of however is that during your lifetime you will get some detrimental mutations in your DNA. Then those bad mutations will get passed on to your offspring. Your children will then acquire a few bad mutations to their DNA as well, which they then pass on both yours and theirs to their kids and on it goes. If evolution were a fact  we would then have hundreds of millions of years of errors, if this was true we should be dead many times over! The truth is that we are losing information, not gaining it.

A Chicken or the Egg Scenario!!!

There are very complex systems in living creatures that go around searching for mistakes in our DNA so they can fix them. One such system that we call Endonuclease marks the area that contains the error and cuts the backbone of the DNA and removes the error. Then Polymerase shows up with the correct nucleotide and places it where it belongs. Finally a system called Ligase comes along and repairs the backbone back together and removes said marker. What really confounds evolutionism is that the plans for these incredible micro machines comes from the DNA. So which came first? This is a no win situation for those that support Darwin's theory because with this preservative mending system built in evolution doesn't occur because it takes away the errors that evolution needs. On the other hand if you take out this system, the errors build up so quickly that it kills the organism.

So in conclusion we see that there are some serious flaws to the Theory of Evolution when it comes to both the problem of these DNA repairing robots and the amount of accumulated errors over vast time!

Thanks for Reading Please Share!!!

References : Ian Juby's crevo rants #'s 78 and 35

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