Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Why you shouldn't take Prescription drugs (updated)

For this post I'm going to list three main reasons why I don't recommend people taking prescription drugs. For legal reasons let me just state that I'm not a doctor and that these are just my personal convictions. However let me state before going in this that if you respect someone's person it is sin (Jam 2:1). In other words don't trust a Dr. word about something just because he has a flattering title, the same could be said about Pastors to though too! Without further ado let's get started!

#1 Pharmacy is derived from the greek Pharmakeia which is defined as sorcery.

#2 They Cause an Estimated 100,000 or more deaths per year.

# 3 Why take dangerous drugs when you can treat many Illnesses Naturally.

It's a fact that most Prescription drugs are a Poison that only treat's/ suppresses symptoms and doesn't cure the underlying cause of the symptoms. It can be compared to getting a check oil light turned on in your car, but instead of adding oil you just unplug the sensor so the light doesn't come on but your still low on oil. Not only do Prescription "meds" treat just the symptom but because they are so toxic they also can and do cause a myriad of side effects which can be worse than the reason your taking them in the first place. People then go to the doctor for more drugs to treat those side effects and then more drugs to treat the side effects of those drugs and so forth until they are taking like 30 different drugs.

I'm not saying that all doctors are like this but many doctors have other motivations for promoting and prescribing drugs to patients other than their well being, (can we say kickbacks from big Pharma) see 1 Tim 6:10.  Do you want proof they are poison? Just take a whole bottle of them and you will get very sick and probably die ( don't really do that i don't want anyone committing suicide). I never heard of anyone overdosing on apples, bananas or strawberries.

By taking these drugs (poisons) not only are you tempting the Lord (Mat 4:7 ) by asking God to heal you but you are also trusting in man since man made these doleful concoctions. when you trust in man and not God the bible says you are cursed (Jer 17:5). You are also deceiving yourself by thinking you will get better but you never address the reason for the disease in the first place. Most Illness are caused by Too many toxins in the body, Nutritional deficiencies, Stress, and Electromagnetic chaos. By eating nothing but or Mostly Junk food and not eating enough fruit/Veg and other healthy food not only are you putting a bunch of toxin's in your body but you are also not getting enough vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Just think about what the bible says about being carnally minded ( Rom 8: 6, 12-13) and sowing to your flesh (Gal 6:8) when your are tempted by those candy bars and cupcakes, etc.

My Personal advice to those seeking a way too cure their illness is to first Pray about it, then consider a Naturopathic alternative to your disease.
I'm Not saying i am against real medicine as there are actual cases of people using medicine in the bible (2 Kin 20:7, Luke 10:34, 1 Tim 5:23). But what many people call "medicine" today i would not call it that because it doesn't help the patient at all but actually makes them worse in the long run. I also believe it would be ok to get a check up or a diagnosis or even an emergency surgery if needs be.

* There was a witch in 17th century France whose name was Madam Voisin. She carried out abortions, black magic rituals, made poisons and love potions, at least one of King Louis mistresses had visited her for said love potion. I write this in order to show how the pharmacy industry is just like the sorcery of Madam Voisin's day. What do pharmaceutical drugs do? There is the day after pill (essentially abortion), virtually all pharmaceutical drugs contain some poison, we have libido enhancing drugs, and as for the drugs that treat the symptoms of illnesses these can be referred to as black magic/sorcery. We see this because you reap what you sow, those that sow to their flesh (i.e. idolatry, witchcraft) reap corruption (Gal 5:19-20, 6:8). Those that take prescription drugs are rarely cured of their disease, unless God intervenes.

So in conclusion, I know there are going to be many people who disagree with me on this topic but the bible tells us we shall know the tree by it's fruit (Mat 7:17-19, 12:33) and the only fruit i see coming from pharmakeia is bad fruit which shows that you should avoid it. If  Pharmakiea is indeed sorcery like my sources indicate then it is vital that Christian's steer clear of taking pharmaceutical drugs because we cannot be partaker's of the Lords table and the table of devils ( 1 Cor 10:21). Pharmaceuticals aren't from God (prov 10:22).

*Reference: The Court of Louis XIV| How To Get Ahead| Absolute History
45:34 Mark (youtube video)

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