Friday, May 17, 2019

Why Mormonism Is UnScriptural

In today's article we will be going to take an in-depth look at the Mormon faith otherwise known as the Church of latter-day saints. If you happen to be an adherent to Mormonism and you are reading this post I would ask that you please consider the things that I am going to write in this post, as scripture tells us that it is a shame and folly to answer a matter before hearing it (Pro 18:13). Remember Mormon's we all should examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith (2 Cor 13:5), and I have designed this article for you to do just that.

Part l:  About the LDS Church

The Church of Latter-day saints was founded by Joseph Smith in New York in  eighteen thirty. At 14 Smith claimed to have a vision where God the Father and Jesus had told him that modern Christianity has left the true faith, advised him to not join any denomination, and that he would restore the true faith. This is but one of nine different versions of this first vision account. What's interesting is that about the same time Smith met a magician/diviner who was in the business of locating water/treasure with magic stones for a charge of $3 daily.

What may be shocking to learn is that Smith actually learned how to practice divination from this magician. When he turned 17 the angel Moroni allegedly appeared to him and instructed him where he could find 2 golden plates which make up the book of Mormon.

These plates supposedly contained a written history of two ancient native american christian tribes. He wasn't allowed to move the plates but was to return to the site for the next four years to until 1827. It was during this time (1825) that a visitor who heard of his divining ability hired him for $3 a day to help him look for some Gold on his property.

The Church of latter-day saints currently has about 12 million adherents.

Part ll: Regarding Mormon leaders

The bible instructs Christians to try the spirits to see if they be of God because we are warned that many false prophets are come into the world, see 1 Joh 4:1-2. Jesus tells us that we can know the tree by it's fruit  (Mat 7:15-20), so lets examine some of Mormonism most prominent leaders to see if they really are of God. 

We have already seen that Joseph smith practiced divination during the time that he has seen these supposed vision's of Moroni. This fact alone should send some alarm bells off as one cannot partake of the Lord's table and the table of devils (1 Cor 10:21). It is also a fact though that he practiced polygamy and was known to be violent (1 Tim 3:2-3), he also taught followers to curse enemies and avenge themselves; D&C 103:24-25. This is the opposite teaching of scripture (Mat 5:44, Rom 12:14, Rom 12:17, 
Rom 12:19). 

There are several other Mormon leaders that have taught some very controversial things; what follows is some examples of these teachings from a few Mormon teachers derived from the journal of discourses.

First we have Brigham Young who taught that we should kill apostates (Vol 1, pg 83), thieves on the spot (vol 1, pg 108-109), you will be damned if you give up polygamy (Vol 3, Pg 266), that Adam came from another world and brought his wife and animals with him (Vol 3, pg 319), that Jesus blood doesn't cover all our sin (Vol 4, Pg 53-54), He taught that Cain's mark was black skin and that blacks are wild, uncomely, stupid and to marry one equaled death on the spot (Vol 7, pg 290-291, Vol 10 pg 110). He also taught that sons of God must enter into polygamy and if you gave it up the devil would rejoice (Vol 11 pg 269, 239). Believed Jesus had a "train of wives & children (Vol 13, pg 309).

Then there is Heber C. Kimball who cursed his enemies and the president (Vol 5, pg 95) which is contrary to (Rom 12:14, Exo 22:28, Act 23:5). He also taught that we are to obey our leaders even if they tell you to do something wrong (Vol 6, pg 32), which is not scriptural either. Last there is John Taylor who said that Christianity is a pack of nonsense (Vol 5, pg 167) and that blacks are the devils representatives (Vol 22 pg 304, vol 23, pg 336).

Though it would be unfair to judge all Mormonism on just what a few of it's adherents believed decades or centuries ago. After all there are heretics in all denominations of Christianity, and many Mormon's today do not believe in racism or polygamy. So let's look at some more literature from the LDS church to further proof my point!

Part lll: Doctrinal Problems

Although Mormonism has some similarities in beliefs with Christianity it also has quite a few distinctive beliefs as well. Mormon's will claim that some doctrines have been corrupted or forgotten since Jesus walked the earth, but this is simply a lack of faith in the preservation of God's word. Please check out my post on that for more info.

So let's look at some of these differences in beliefs between Mormonism and traditional Christianity. First they Believe that God the Father has a Physical body according to Doctrine and covenants 130:22. As far as I know there is nowhere in the holy bible that says this but instead tells us that God is a spirit and a spirit doesn't have flesh and bones (Luk 24:39, Joh 4:24). 
Another difference we will find is that the bible teaches that Christ was born of a virgin (Isa 7:14, Mat 1:22-23), but Mormons do not share this view. They teach that Jesus was "begotten by an Immortal Father in the same way mortal man is begotten by mortal fathers" (mormon doctrine p.547, Journal of discourses vol.8 p. 115).

 So what are some other distinctive beliefs of the LDS church? Well, they believe that Jesus is Lucifer's "spirit brother" (Gospel through the ages p.15), though scripture teaches Jesus is God (Joh 1:1, Joh 1:14). They also believe God (the Father) was once a man like us (Teaching of Joseph Smith p. 345), even though scripture says he is has always been God (Psa 90:2).   

Other distinguishing beliefs of the LDS church say that God resides near a star called Kolob (pearl of great price pg 34), and that he
 is married to his Goddess wife and has spirit children (Mormon doctrine pg. 516). In Jer 7:18 we see that scripture condemns goddess worship. According to Journal of Discourses, vol 3 pg 247 Jesus' sacrifice can not cover murder or repeated adultery, but what about 1Jn 1:9 which tells us that God is faithful and just to forgive us if we confess our sins.
Concerning salvation according to Mormon doctrine p 670 there would be no salvation if it wasn't for Joseph smith. In addition the  
doctrines of salvation, vol 1, pg 188 informs us that there is no salvation unless you accept Joseph smith as a prophet of God. 
The bible however tells us that there is none other name given among men whereby we must be saved, and that is the name of Jesus (Act 4:10-12). 

A major difference between the LDS church and traditional Christianity is that Mormons believe that they can become gods like their heavenly father (gospel principles pp289,290). This is the same lie that the devil told eve in the garden of eden, and that has spread through multiple religions throughout  the world such as Wicca, Hinduism, etc.  The problem is this completely goes against many passages of scripture. The bible teaches that their is only one true God, that is monotheism. Here are many bible verses to support this. (Deut 4:35, 32:39, 2 Sam 7:22, 1Chro 17:20, Nehe 9:6, Psa 86:10, Isa 43:10  -11, Isa 44:6, Isa 44:8, Isa 45:18, Isa 46:9, Joh 17:3, 1Cor 8:4-6, Eph 4:6, 1 Tim 2:5, Jam 2:19).
Another instance where Mormonism differs from traditional Christianity is that they teach that women in heaven bear the souls of men to people other worlds (ludlow pp.9,10). In other words they are constantly getting pregnant.  The bible however teaches that saints don't marry in heaven (Mark 12:19-27), and that the church is the bride of Christ (Eph 5:31-32, Rev 19:7-8).This kind of view of heaven is rather sensual and focused on sex (Jud 1:19).
Halaman 14:20 says there was darkness for 3 days after Jesus' death. The bible tells us that there was darkness for 3 hours before his death (Mat 27:45).
The final difference between Mormonism and Christianity that we will be taking a look at in this section is that Mormon's used to teach that being born black was a punishment from God. Here are a few quotes. "dark skin upon them as a curse- as a punishment" (race problems as they affect the church, mark e. peterson)" ...negro,...confine their own species," (History of the church 5:218). They think black skin is a disadvantage caused by previous unfaithfulness in heaven (Doctrines of Salvation 1:61,65-66). "but let them apostatize, and they will become ... black, just like the devil," (Journal of discourses vol. 5 p. 332). The bible does not teach racism (Act 17:26, Gal 3:28). 

Part lV: Errors in the Book of Mormon

In this section I'm going to give three reasons why I do not believe the book of Mormon is the word of God, and here they are. #1. The book of Mormon contradicts scripture. Here are just three examples. Alma 7:10 says Jesus was born in Jerusalem, Whereas
Mat 2:1  says that he was born in Bethlehem. Mormonism teaches that we are saved by grace "after all we can do" (2 Nephi 25:23). Isn't this works based salvation? Works do not contribute to salvation they are the fruit of salvation (Rom 11:6, Eph 2:9-10). Does God indwell righteous men hearts or not (Alma 34:36, D&C 130:3). God does indwell the righteous (Joh 14:23, 1 Cor 3:9).

#2. The book of Mormon also contradicts history as we see Scimitar's appearing before they existed (Mosiah 9:16), the Jews possessing steel at around 600 b.c (1 Nephi 4:9),  regarding when Elephants were first in America (Ether 9:19), and who introduced the honey bee to the U.S.A (Ether 2:3)

#3. The Book of Mormon also contradicts Mormon doctrine. To list just a few examples is Hell eternal or not (Jacob 3:11, 6:10, 2 Nephi 19:16, vs. James Talmage Articles of Faith p.55). Is Polygamy bad or ok (Jacob 1:15, 2:23, 3:5, Mosiah 11:2,4; Ether 10: 5,7, vs Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 3 p 266). God doesn't change vs he increases in knowledge (Moroni 8:18, 

3 Nephi 24:6, Alma 41:8 vs. Joseph smith, journal of discourses vol 6. pg 120). 

Part V: Final Points

I'm going to wrap this article up by going over a few more beliefs of the LDS church. Mormonism also teaches that water Baptism is necessary for salvation. I plan on writing a separate post to address this topic but for now let me just say that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the kind you need for salvation and not water baptism (Act 1:5).

They also teach that you need at least six baptized members (one of which an elder) to have a church. This also is un-biblical
(Mat 18:20).  Another thing that Mormons erroneously believe is that Christians need to Tithe , and that it's required. Please see my post on Tithing for more info. see also 2Co 9:7. 

They believe the temple will be built in Independence, Missouri,  and that is where Christ will reveal himself... in other words they think that New Jerusalem will be built there. We see that Mormon president Orsen Hyde from the march 18 1855 Journal of discourses 2:210 that he believed Jesus had wives from the marriage in Cana, including Martha and Mary and that he begat children. 

Another thing to be aware of is that Joseph Smith and a few other of the first prophets of Mormonism were free-masons. This ungodly organization require men to swear oaths and give men titles that are reserved for God alone. See my post of free masonry for more information about that.

So in conclusion even assuming that Joseph Smith did see this angel Moroni who told him where to find these alleged golden plates that still doesn't change the fact that Mormon teachings contradict scripture. The bible is clear that even if an angel from heaven preaches another gospel to us let him be accursed, remember that the devil can masquerade as an angel of light and his servants as servants of righteousness (Gal 1:7-9, 2Co 11:13-15).



  1. You have a fairly good collections of stuff from the various sites you reference. However, you might want to change your opening paragraph. You said the church was founded “around the eighteen twenties or thirties.” If you don’t know when it started, you lose credibility. The Book of Mormon was published in March 1830, and the church was founded the next month.

  2. Thanks Glenn. You are correct. I googled the founding date and it's April 6th 1830. I went ahead and updated the information. Thanks for your input, it's much appreciated.

  3. You may not know that I have a blog exposing Mormonism. I am an ex-Mormon:
    My testimony in regards to becoming a Mormon and then departing Mormonism is here:
