Friday, July 17, 2020

What Did The Ancient Mayan's Believe?

In today's post we will be covering a few aspects of the Mayan religion and compare those traditions with what the bible teaches.

This religion was founded around 250 a.d in Meso-america. Their sacred texts included the Dresden, Madrid, and Paris codices. The Mayans were known to worship a Pantheon of Nature gods. This is the first contrast to the Christian faith as we know there is but One God and he is separate from the creation (1Co 8:6, Gal 4:8-9).

I think one of the best evidences that the Mayan's worshiped devils is Kukulcan, who was known as the feathered serpent god. Satan is shown throughout the our bible as a serpent, dragon, and god of this world (Rev 20:2, 2 Cor 4:4).

The Mayan rulers  were thought to be semi divine which is why they were buried in fancy tombs that contained offerings. They wern't the only people throughout history to be considered god -like, see Act 12:21 -23.

Concerning the afterlife, the Mayans thought that most of their dead went to the underworld, and that the exception were the ones who died in childbirth and sacrificial victims; those were thought to have gone to heaven.  They practiced divination based on their calendar system and astronomy, it was their priests' job to determine which days were lucky or not. This practice is also condemned in the bible as well (Deu 18:10-12, Isa 47:13-14). 

One of the main themes of the Mayan religion is human sacrifice, this of course goes against on of the Ten commandments thou shalt not kill (Mat 5:21). The deities of the Mayans were believed to be nourished by the blood of humans, ritual bloodletting was how they made contact with them. This reminds me of the prophets of Baal (1Ki 18:28). The blood was drawn by piercing the ear or male reproductive organ. Mayan sacrificial victims were restrained at the pinnacle of the pyramid while an incision was made below their rib cage, the heart was then ripped from the body.

So in conclusion the Mayan's were just mostly just a bunch of devil worshippers who were fullfilling the lust of their father (Joh 8:40, Joh 8:44).

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