Bible Contradictions 5

401. (896) The impure will / will not be able to enter the kingdom of God.
Mat 21:31, 1Cor 6:9
That's because they the context.

402. (897) Those who call on the Lord will / may not be saved.
Act 2:21, Mat 7:21
Everyone who is sincere in calling him Lord will be saved. Not Just professing with you mouth but actually doing what he says. Luk 6:46

403. (906) Bad things will / will not happen to good people.
2Tim 3:12, Job 2:7, Heb 12:6, Pro 12:21, 1Pet 3:13
see also Rom 8:28

404. (915) The dead are conscious / unconscious.
Isa 14:9, Mar 9:4,  Luk 16:22 -24, Job 14:12, Ecc 9:5
Man is Made up of a body, soul, and spirit.
The body sleeps until the Resurrection but the spirit goes back to God.

405. (916) The dead lie in darkness and silence / glory and blessedness.
Job 3:18, 10:21, Psa 88:11 -12, Psa 73:24, Pro 4:18, Phili 1:21
See question 404.

406. (917) The dead do / do not exercise mental powers.
Luk 9:30, 20:38, Psa 115:17, 146:4
As to what's happening on earth right now they no nothing, but they are fully aware of where they are at. see 404

407. (918) the dead do / do not possess knowledge.
Gen 37:35, 1Sam 28:15 -18, Luk 16:22 -25, Psa 6:5, 1 Pet 4:6, Ecc 9:5, Isa 38:18
see 404.

408. (919) The dead are / are not together in one place.
Ecc 3:20, Luk 16:23 -26
Our Physical bodies all go to one place but our spirits do not.

409. (920) The dead are / are not with Jesus.
Luk 23:43, Act 7:59, 2 Cor 5:8, Phili 1:23, Joh 13:33, Act 2:34
In Act 2:34 he was referring to David's body not his soul. 
see John 20:17, Luke 23:43, 46

410. (923) None has / some have ascended to heaven.
Joh 3:13, 2Ki 2:11, 2Cor 12:2-4, Heb 11:5
The following website claims that what Jesus meant when he said that was that no one has gone  to heaven and returned with a message such as he has offered to them. Jesus was setting forth his superior knowledge of heavenly things.

Another viewpoint is the dead are in Abraham's bosom not heaven until the rapture, and perhaps Jesus' meant up till that point no one has gone to heaven. 

411. (924) Heaven is / is not eternal.
1Pet 1:3, Mat 24:35
There are 3 heavens 2 Cor 12:2-4. 

412. (926) Thieves can / cannot go to heaven.
Luk 23:43, 1Cor 6:9-10
That thief on the cross repented. 1Cor 6:11

413. (928) Hell is a light / dark place.
Mat 5:22, 13:41 -42, 8:11 -12, 25:30
Hell is dark. Nowhere in those verses does it say hell is light. It say's there is fire. God can make dark fire or he could simply blind the eyes of the damned.

414. (930) All / not all have sinned.
1Ki 8:46, Ecc 7:20, Rom 3:10, 23, Gen 6:9, Job 1;8, Luke 1:5 -6
Perfect doesn't mean that you have never sinned in your entire life.

415. (931) Christians do / do not sin.
1 Joh 1:8 -10, 3:8- 10
I take the stance of what the following website suggest about what they think 1 John 3:9 means is that no one who is born of God continually practices sin. If a person habitually practicing sin he is not born of God. If a lamb and a pig fall in the mud the pig wants to stay there but the lamb will want to get out. see also 2nd Peter 2:22.

416. (933) Suffering is / is not caused by sin.
Ecc 2:26, Joh 9:1 -3
The man in John was an exception read the context to find out why he was born blind.

417. (940) Faith is / is not work.
Joh 6:29, Gal 5:6, 2The 1:11, Gal 2:16, Eph 2:8 -9
 I consider faith to be a fruit Gal 5:22.

418. (942) Salvation can /cannot be gained by human effort.
1Cor 9:24, Rom 9:16
Corinthians was talking about Rewards (1Cor 3:11 -15, 5:10)
Romans was concerning Salvation (Rom 4:5, Eph 2:8-9, Tit 3:5 -7)

419. (944) Repentance is man's act / God's gift.
Mar 1:15, Luk 13:5, Act 17:30, 11:18, 2 Tim 2:25
Both. God will give you repentance but you have to want it.

420. (945) All is /is not possible for men.
Mat 17:20, Mar 9:23, Mat 19:26
With God's help all things are possible.

421. (948) Repetitious prayers are / are not effective.
Luke 18:7 -8, Mat 6:7 -8
That passage in luke does not say they are using vain repetitions.

422. (949) Christians do / do not know how to pray.
Mat 6:9 -13, Rom 8:26
Christ shows us how to pray about our basic needs concerning God's will, food, debt, and temptation. However there are other things you can pray about such as the health of a loved one, your situation at work, asking for wisdom / understanding on a certain thing, about a fellow brother / sister in Christ going through trials, etc, etc.

423. (953) There has / has never been a righteous person.
Eze 14:14, Mat 23:35, Luk 1:6, Rom 3:10
There has never been a perfectly sinless righteous person on earth save Jesus, However when one believes in Christ he is made righteous before God. see Ezek 33:13, Rom 10:3, Phili 3:9. I Guess when you compare the men of Ezek 14:14 to the other men of their time the were relatively righteous. 

424. (956) No / Some righteous people beg.
Psa 37:25, Luke 16:20 -22
Firstly that verse in Psalms isn't Universal but from his own experience, second he isn't saying a righteous person never starves but that he hasn't seen them begging bread. Third this statement was in the context of the OT Jewish economy wherein no one needed to starve or beg because the Law allowed them to Glean in the fields (Lev 19:10, Deut 24:21)

425. (957) Too much / little righteousness is mortally dangerous.
Ecc 7:16 -17
I Think 7:16 is referring to Pride.

426. (959) Do / do not let others see your good works.
Mat 5:16, 1Pet 2:12, Mat 6:1-4, 23:5
Again this has to do with why you are doing good works. If you doing it for men's praise then don't expect God to praise you for it.

427. (960) Evil doers prosper / decline.
Job 21:7, Psa 73:3 -7, Jer 12:1, 2Tim 3:13
They decline read the entire chapter of Job, Psa, and Jer.

428. (962) The wicked / righteous perish.
Judg 5:31, Psa 37:20, Ecc 7:15, Isa 57:1, Mic 7:2
Both Heb 9:27

429. (964) Justice should be dispensed by one / more than one Judge.
Exo 18:18, Deu 17:9, 21:2
Reading the verses of Deut in context it seems to me there could be one judge per city since 21:2 speaks of a plurality of Judges.

430. (970) Man can / cannot resist the devil.
Jam 4:7, 2Tim 2:26
John 3:19 it's not that man cannot resist the devil its that they don't want to they Love darkness. They are deceived and do not fear God. 

431. (971) Satan can / cannot control a Christian.
Luk 22:31, 1Joh 5:18
No, No he cannot. 1 Cor 10:21, Rom 6:16, 1Joh 4:4, 2 Cor 6:14 -16, 2Ti 1:7.

432. (974) The Christian yoke is / is not easy.
Mat 11:28 -30, Joh 16:33, 2 Tim 3:12, Heb 12:6
The Christian's yoke is easy when you compare it to the non christian because he has been set free from the bondage of sin. That doesn't mean people won't pick on you for being upright or that you won't get sick or have a loved one die.

433. (978) Solomon / John the Baptist / Jesus was Greater.
1Ki 3:10 -12, Mat 11:11, Luk 11:30 -31
Solomon was the wisest, John best prophet, Jesus trumps both because he is God.

434. (980) The rich can / cannot receive God's reward.
Job 42:10, Mat 27:57, 19:24, Luk 6:20, Jam 5:1- 3
Being rich or money itself isn't evil or wrong, it's being selfish, greedy, and loving money so much that you wouldn't give it away. Your affection should be set on the things above. Col 3:1 -2.

435. (982) Money is / is not Bad.
1Tim 6:10, Ecc 10:19
Money itself is not bad but the LOVE of it is.

436. (986) You should / should not believe everything.
1Cor 13:7, Pro 14:15, 1Thess 5:21
You are taking that verse in Corinthians too literally. Perhaps it is referring to believing in all the Scriptures.

437. (988) Wisdom does / does not make people happy.
Pro 3:13, Ecc 1:18,
Both. I am glad i Have wisdom so I don't eat food with blood in it, celebrate Pagan holidays, or Pray to Mary. It still grieves me that other people don't have this knowledge and even if I tell them not to do these things they still don't listen.

438. (995) There is / is not a remedy for foolishness.
Pro 22:15, 27:22
There is if you correct them when they are young but if you wait till they are an adult it is too late.

439. (999) Job's children were / were not all dead.
Job 1:19, 8:4, 19:17
I'm not going to be dogmatic about what i think 19:17 says but i will just offer a few of my suggestions perhaps Job was referring to his dead children, or children could have meant grandchildren, or maybe Job was asking his wife to produce him more offspring. 

440. (1001) Jonah was swallowed by a fish / whale.
Jon 1:17, Mat 12:40
Who told you that a whale isn't a fish, let me guess was it the same people who told you we all came from rocks, that the universe exploded from nothing, That the T-Tex magically transformed into a bird, That we share a common ancestor with chimps, and that Morality itself is Subjective.

More contradictions from a separate source 

1. Why is Hege's name spelled two different ways?
In Esther ch. 2 Hege is also spelled Hegai and some of the geneologies are spelled differently From Matt To the Old Testament. Misspelling names aren't bible errors, the meaning/info are still the same.

2. Why did Matthew leave out a few kings from 1 Chron. 3?
It Doesn't change where Joseph came from and also because of the layout Matt. 1:17.

3. Why is Jesus' Genealogy different from Matthew 1 and Luke 3?
They are similar until after David.  My guess is One line through Joseph and another through Mary.

4. Did the men with Paul see what he saw? Did they hear a voice?
Acts 9:7 and Acts 22:9
they saw the light but no man, and heard a voice but not of whom spoke to Paul, maybe they just heard Paul's voice.

5. Where the disciples allowed to carry staves or not?
Mark 6:8 and Matt. 10:10, Luke 9:3- they may take a staff but not Staves Plural.

6. Did one of the Cherubs face look like an ox or a cherub?
Ezek 1:10, 10:14 Perhaps the Cherubs face looks like an Ox or maybe it was a different vision.

7. Who moved / provoked David to number Israel and How many years of famine would there be, 3 or 7?
2 Sam 24:1 (13) and 1 Chron 21:1 (12)  God used Satan (2 samuel accouts for the 3 years famine of Ch.21 and the Present yr from Ch 21-24 and if david chose 3 years famine it would have made 7.

8. How could Jesus have appeared to the twelve if Judas Iscariot was already dead? 1 Corinthians 15:5
the twelfth person i think was Matthias before he was an apostle. Act 1:26

9. Why is there so many verses on a Good man (2 Sam 18:27, Psa 37:23, 112:5, Prov 12:2, 13:22, 14:14, Mat 12:35,Luke 6:45, 23:50, John 7:12, Act 11:24, Rom 5:7) when Jesus says only  God is good? (Matt 19:17) see John 15:18, Rom 11:17-22, 2 Cor 5:21, Gal 2:20.

10. If God never Changes (Mal. 3:6) how can he change his mind (Exodus 32:14)
 The answer can be found in Jeremiah 18:7-10. You got to look at it this way. God is outside of time, he knows everything that has happened and everything that will happen. Even though we have free will he knows what we are going to do. thus we see God never changes his mind. However we do see God warning people through his prophets of impending doom if they don't repent of their ways. this is not necessarily a prophecy of a future event but could be considered a threat if they don't change their ways.

11. Did Michal have children (2 sam 21:8) or not (2 sam 6:23)?
they weren't hers biologically.

12. Who did David buy the threshing floor and oxen from? What did he Pay for it?
2 Sam 24:24 and 1 Chronicles 21:24-25 Araunah and Ornan could be variations of the same name, he paid with Silver and Gold.

13. How could Ahaziah be 22 and 42 years old when he begun to reign? 2 king 8:26 (22) , 2 Chron 22:2 (42).
Ahaziah was literally 22 when he reigned because his fathers reign ended at 40. the 42 could be including the years of Ahab and Omri, who are Ahaziah's father and grandpa in law. In other words he began to reign in the 42 year of the dynasty of king Omri.

14. When delivering the sermon did Jesus  go up on a mountain and sit  (Matt 5:1-3) or did he come down and stand (luke 6:12-20)?
 these could be different events or Matthew summarized the Lords movements prior to the message. or Jesus went up to pray and came down some of the way before delivering the sermon. it's possible he stood and sat.

15. who asked Jesus for seats to his right and left? Matt. 20:20-21, Mar 10:35 . 1. James and John ask, when Jesus says no perhaps they got their mom to ask so two encounters? 2. Matt and Mark recorded the same event but focused on different people.

16. Did the cock crow once or twice before Peter denied Jesus Thrice?
Matt. 26:34, Mar14:30, Luke 22:60, John 13:38. the other Gospels were not as specific on how many crows.

17. Was the tree withred the day Jesus rebuked it or the next day?
Math 21:19 , Mark 11:20.
 Matthews gospel maybe withered in appearance, but in Marks perhaps it was withered fully down to the roots.

18. Justified by works (James 2:24) or faith (Gal 2:16)?
 Gal shows Justification by faith in Jesus, James shows True faith by works.

1-100   101-200   201-300   301-400   401+

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