Thursday, April 12, 2018

Defeating Athiesm with Science

What follows is some notes i gathered from this video by Spike Parris along with some of my thoughts. It raises some pretty strong Arguments against Darwinian Evolution and Naturalism.

I am going to start off by mentioning that all theories about how stars formed had to have pre-existing stars or galaxies to make them. How do Evolutionist possibly explain Stellar/ chemical evolution?

In order to do science you need the following things.
1. A universe
There is No Reason why the Universe would have Created Itself.
Not to mention the logical Absurdity of it, the universe would have had to exist before it existed.

2. Observers with reliable senses + Memories
It has been said that it is more probable that the Universe just created a brain floating out in space with fake senses/memories and that all you see before you is just an illusion.

3. Adequacy of Human Intellect
How can bags of chemicals be conscious. How can chemical reactions in our skull discern truth?
Why should you trust your brain if it is the result of random chance universe? Wouldn't your thoughts also be random as well?

4. Order in the Universe
If there was no cause for the start of the universe it had to be a random event my question to athiest would be why should it operate by the Laws of physics from that point on?

5. Laws of Logic
Atheism affirms that only the Material is real (Matter/Energy). So they will also have to deny that the laws of logic is real since they are immaterial. Science requires Logic to be true to work. This is one reason why the bible has to be true in order to do science.

6.  Mathematics
According to the Atheistic worldview they are a Human invention. Just a fun mental game. Numbers are free creations of the human mind and aren't real. So 2+2 doesn't = 4? Math is a body of knowledge containing no truths? Physics is Math, so then Physics would not be real either.

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