Thursday, April 26, 2018

Let's Cover Logical Fallacies!

Here is a List of various Logical fallicies and flaws in thinking that are sometimes used when debating people.

Ad hominem- When you attack somebodys character instead of their argument.
Appeal to force- telling the hearer that something bad will happen if they don't accept the argument.
Appeal to pity- If they take advantage of one's pitiful state to win an argument that's invalid.
Appeal to popularity-Appealing to the majority vote.
Appeal to tradition- If you try to get someone to accept something because it has been done or believed for a long period of time.
Begging the question- Assuming the thing to be true that you are trying to prove.
Cause and Effect- Assuming that the effect is related to a cause because the events occur together.
Division- Assuming something that is partly true to be also be wholly true without further examining it.
Equivocation- using the same term in an argument in different places but the word has different meanings, or assuming everyone has the same definition as the other.
False Analogy- Attributing a property to something that couldn't possibly have that property.
False Assumptions- the old test the new, burden of proof rests on those who set forth new theories and not on those whose ideas had already been verified.
False Dilemma- Giving only a couple choices when in actuality there could be more choices possible.
Genetic Fallacy- Attempting to support or disqualify a claim because of the origins or irrelevant history of said claim.
Guilt by association- Rejecting an argument or claim because the person proposing it likes someone whom is disliked by another.
Irrelevance- Occurs when you introduce issues which have no logical bearing on the topic under discussion.
Non sequitur- comments or information that doesn't logically follow from a premise or the conclusion.
Phonic Fallacies- the phonetic sound of a word should not be used to twist it's meaning.
Playing with synonyms as antonyms- this is the argument where the person uses two words or terms of the same meaning as if they are not the same.
Poisoning the well- This is when you present negative info about a person before they speak so you will discredit the person's argument.
Red Herring- When you introduce a topic not related to the subject at hand.
Special pleading- applying a standard to another that is different from a standard applied to oneself.
Straw man Argument- producing an argument about a weaker representation of the truth and attacking it.

Appeal to Authority- claiming someone to be right about something simply because they have credentials, or wrong because they don't have credentials.

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