Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Importance of being humble

It is seen all over the place nowadays, on packages of food, in song lyrics, and used commonly among family members. What am I talking about? Pride! Saying like proudly made in the U.S.A, I'm proud to be an american (national anthem), I'm proud of you son! As a KJV bible believer I detest when people use this word in a positive manner. Why? Because the word pride is unanimously condemned throughout all scripture!

So what does the bible teach us about the danger of pride and the importance of being humble? Well if your proud in heart you are an abomination to God (Pro 16:5). We are instructed to hate it (Pro 8:13). If you can get rid of pride you can get rid of contention (13:10). It was one of the iniquites of sodom (Eze 16:49). We know that all the proud will be stubble when the day of the Lord arrives, they will be burned up (Isa 2:12, Mal 4:1). Scripture classifies having a proud heart as sin (Pro 21:4), It is what caused Lucifer to fall (Isa 14:13-15, 1 Tim 3:6). Here is an Interesting side note the bible describes Satan as a multi-headed dragon called leviathan who is also a king over all the children of pride (Job 41:34, Psa 74:14, Isa 27:1, Rev 12:3).

King Nebuchanezzar was driven from men and made to eat grass because of his pride (Dan 4), his son Belshazzar is also another great example of the terrible results of pride as well as idolatry (Dan 5). Here are three examples of kings in the old testament who humbled themselves resulting in God postponing his wrath
(1 Kin 21:29, 2 Kin 22:18-19, 2 Chro 32:25-26).

Christ taught that if we exalt ourselves we shall be humbled and vice versa (Mat 23:12, Luk 14:8-11, 18:9-14). The Pharisee in the latter verses reference is a prime example of the holier than thou attitude of (Isa 65:5), scripture actually teaches the opposite that we should esteem others better than ourselves (Php 2:3).

True Christians are not proud, as that is a sign of being cursed (Psa 119:21). Oh how often do people have to eat their words when they brag about something only to suffer humiliation, Oh how true is the saying "pride goeth before destruction..." (Pro 16:18). The Lord teaches us through 1 John that the pride of life is of the world(1 Joh 2:16). As we grow in /Christ and the Lord shows us more and more about himself and the truth of his word we must be careful not to let all this knowledge we have been given make us prideful (1 Cor 8:1-2).

Another thing i am appalled by is pastor worship; I have seen on youtube videos of church services where when the pastor walks up to the pulpit and the whole congregation starts screaming like little girls in a rock concert. This church leader elevation is completely unbiblical (1 Cor 4:6, 1 Pet 5:3, Jud 1:16).

One Important thing about being humble is that it has a crucial role to play when one gets saved. when we have the law preached to us and we realize what a dirty rotten sinner we are then we humble ourselves beforfe God, confess and repent of our sins and place our faith in the finished work of christ on the crfoss for our salvation. ( 2 Chr 7:14, Job 22:29, Psa 10:4, Isa 57:15, Hab 2:4-5,
Jam 4:6-10, 1 Pet 5:5)

In Conclusion of this matter we are not to glory in our wisdom, might, or riches but rather we should glory in the Lord.
(Psa 44:8, Jer 9:23-24, 1 Cor 1:26 -31, 2 Cor 10:17-18)

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More Verses for further Study

Pride, Proud, Lifted Up, etc
1Sa 2:3, Job 35:12, 40:12, Psa  31:20, 36:11, 73:6, 101:5 
Pro 14:3 , 15:25, 28:25, Ecc 7:8, Isa 10:12, 10:15
Jer 43:2, 50:31-2, Eze 28:17, Eze 31:10  -11, Oba 1:3  -4,
Zep 2:10, Luk 1:51, Rom 1:30, 1Co 5:2  , 1Ti  6:4 , 2Ti 3:2

Humble, Lowliness, etc
2Ch  12:7, Psa 9:12, Pro 22:4, Mic 6:8, Mat 18:4, 1Pe 5:6

Both or Close to
Psa 138:6, Pro 11:2 , 16:19, 18:12, 29:23, Jas 4:6

People who were / did
2Ch 12:10 -12 , 30:11  ,  33:10 -12  , 34:26 -27  
Neh 9:16, 9:29, Hos 5:5

Psa  62:9, Jer 44:10, Zec 4:6, Act 12:23, Rom 3:27, 12:3, 2 Cor 12:7  , Gal 6:3  , 2Pe 2:18 ,pro 20:6

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